Page:Journal of the Sixth Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan.djvu/29

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Jan. 16.]

That part relative to grand jurors, to the committee on territorial affairs.

That part relative to education, to the committee on schools:

That part relative to public roads, to the committee on territorial affairs:

That part relative to the construction of a rail-road, to the committee on internal improvement and agriculture:

That part in relation to the removal of bars and construction of piers at the mouths of sundry rivers, to the committee on internal improvement and agriculture:

That part in relation to a census, to the committee on territorial affairs:

That part in relation to the printing and delivery of the revised laws, to the committee on printing.

On motion of Mr. Doty,

The Council proceeded to the consideration of the following resolution, laid on the table yesterday:

Resolved by the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, That a printer for the Council be chosen by the Legislative Council at the first session of said council, who shall hold said office until another is appointed and qualified, and shall receive such compensation for his services as shall be provided by law.

Mr. Renwick moved to amend the resolution, so as to limit the appointment of printer to the term of service of the present Legislative Council.

On the question being taken, "shall the amendment be adopted?" it was lost.

Mr. Durocher moved that the following be adopted as a substitute for the resolution:

Resolved, That the committee on printing be instructed to contract with one of the printers of this territory for the necessary printing of this Council, and to submit such contract for the approbation of this council;

And, after debate, the question was taken on the proposed substitute, and lost.

The question then recurring on the original resolution, it was taken, and the resolution adopted.

On motion of Mr. Renwick,

Resolved, That the committee on printing be instructed to ascertain from the several printing establishments in this city, their prices for printing; their willingness to engage the same, and their ability for the faithful and speedy performance of the printing of the Council; and to report the same as soon as practicable.

On motion of Mr. Hascall,

Resolved, That the committee on the judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing for the distribution of the laws of this Territory.