Page:Journal of the Sixth Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan.djvu/31

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Jan. 20.]

On motion of Mr. Britain,

The resolution was laid on the table.

On motion of Mr. Doty,

Resolved, That the committee on territorial affairs be instructed to report a memorial to Congress, in favor of the construction of a ship canal around the Falls of Niagara, as a measure of deep interest to the inhabitants of the country bordering upon the great lakes, and to those of this Territory in particular.

Mr. Doty laid on the table the following resolution:

Resolved, That the paintings now in the Hall of the Council be removed, and placed in some other room of the Capitol, where they can be carefully preserved.

Mr. Doty laid on the table the following resolution:

Resolved, That the committee on territorial affairs be instructed to prepare and report a memorial to Congress, soliciting the privilege for the citizens of the Territory of Michigan to elect the Governor of the Territory.

On motion of Mr. Britain,

Resolved, That the committee on printing be instructed to report to this Council the prices paid to the several printing establishments respectively for executing printing for the Fifth Legislative Council.

On motion of Mr. Bacon,

Ordered, That two members be added to the committee on territorial affairs.

Messrs. Doty and Farnsworth were accordingly added to said committee.

Mr. Britain, from the committee on printing, to whom was referred the resolution of the Council, adopted on the 16th instant, directing the committee to ascertain from the several printing offices in this city their prices for printing, their willingness to engage to execute the printing for the Council, and their ability for its faithful and speedy execution, submitted the following report:

The committee on printing, to whom was referred the resolution of the 16th instant, requiring them to ascertain from the several printing establishments in this city their prices for printing, their willingness to engage the same, and their ability for the faithful and speedy performance of the printing of this Council, beg leave respectfully to report:

That they have attended to the duties assigned them, by an examination of the several establishments; and it affords your committee much satisfaction to state, that they found the several establishments in a situation highly honorable to their proprietors and creditable to their city, and such as warrants your committee in the conclusion that the printing for this Council would be speedily and faithfully executed at either of the respective establishments.