Page:Journal of the Sixth Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan.djvu/41

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Jan. 23.]

whom was referred the resolution of the 21st instant, instructing them to report a memorial to Congress for an appropriation for the improvement of the harbors at the mouths of St. Joseph and Kalamazoo Rivers respectively, and for the improvement of the navigation of said rivers, reported—

That the committee, having no jurisdiction over the subject, ask to be discharged from its further consideration.

Mr. Renwick moved to lay the report on the table. The motion was lost.

On motion of Mr. Doty,

The report was recommitted to the committee on internal improvement.

In pursuance of notice, Mr. Hascall asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill relative to certain townships.

The bill was referred to Messrs. Hascall Moran and Doty.

Mr. Hascall, from the committee, immediately reported a bill to organize two townships, to be called Mia and Commerce.

The bill was read the first time, and laid on the table.

In pursuance of notice, Mr. Martin asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill to abolish the office of register of probate, and for other purposes.

The bill was referred to Messrs. Martin, Doty and Britain.

On motion of Mr. Martin,

The Council resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Stockton in the chair, on bill No. 2, further to provide for the distribution of the laws.

And after some time spent therein, the committee rose, reported progress, and asked to be discharged from the further consideration of me bill.

On motion of Mr. Doty,

The bill was recommitted to the committee on the judiciary, with instructions to report immediately.

The following message was received from the Governor, by Mr. Pritchette, his private secretary:

To the President and Members of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan:

I have this day transmitted to the President of the Senate of the United States, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United Sates, and to the Delegate in Congress from this Territory, a copy of your memorial, asking an appropriation for improving the navigation over the flats at the mouth of St. Clair River, and for removing the bar at the mouth of Clinton River.


January 22, 1834.

The message was laid on the table.