Page:Journal of the Sixth Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan.djvu/51

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Jan. 29.]

panies, whose trainings or musters may be regulated by a vote of the members of said companies.

On motion of Mr. Moran,

Resolved, That the committee on the judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of reviving all that part of the law for the relief and settlement of the poor in 1829, so far as regards the township of Detroit, authorizing the election of a board of directors, which appears to have been unintentionally repealed by the 25th section of an act passed on the same subject on the 22d of April, 1833; and to report by bill or otherwise.

On motion of Mr. Hascall,

Resolved, That the committee on the judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of removing the county site in the county of Shiawasse.

On motion of Mr. Martin,

Resolved, That the committee on territorial affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing by law for the appointment of a territorial printer, whose duty it shall be to publish all legal notices required to be published in a newspaper by any law of the Territory.

Mr. Doty gave notice that, on tomorrow, he should ask leave to introduce a bill to provide for the establishment of seats of justice, and to repeal the laws now in force upon that subject.

Mr. Martin gave notice that, on tomorrow, he should ask leave to introduce a bill to provide for the election of a county assessor, and for other purposes.

On motion of Mr. Hascall,

Resolved, That the committee on internal improvement be instructed to inquire into the expediency of incorporating a company, with power to construct a rail-road from Detroit to Pontiac.

Mr. Martin, from the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred the resolution to inquire into the expediency of repealing the eighth section of the "act to provide for the election of county treasurers and coroners, and to define their powers and duties," and to amend the act, so that the county treasurers may be authorized to appoint a deputy, made an unfavorable report on the resolution. The Council concurred in the report.

The engrossed bill to amend the act to provide for defraying the public and necessary expenses in the respective counties of this Territory, and for other purposes, was read the third time and passed.

On motion of Mr. Martin,

The Council proceeded to the consideration of the report of the judiciary committee, adverse to the compensation of associate judges of the circuit courts while in attendance at court, made on the 27th instant.

Mr. Stockton moved to lay the said report on the table. The motion was lost.