Page:Journal of the Sixth Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan.djvu/75

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Feb. 10.]

diency of amending the fifth section of an act concerning judgments and executions, approved April 12,1827.

On motion of Mr. Millington,

Resolved, That the judiciary committee inquire into the expediency of making the law more definite respecting the fees of justices of the peace in criminal cases.

On motion of Mr. Farnsworth, the Council proceeded to the consideration of the following resolutions submitted by him on the 7th instant:

Resolved by the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, That the delegate in Congress from this territory be, and he is hereby requested to urge the enactment of a law by Congress authorizing this territory to form a constitution, and to be admitted into the Union according to the prayer of a memorial adopted at the second session of the fifth Legislative Council.

Resolved, That the president of the Council transmit a copy of the foregoing resolution to the honorable Lucius Lyon, delegate in Congress from this territory.

On motion of Mr. Doty, the yeas and nays were ordered to be taken on the motion to adopt the said resolutions.

Mr. Britain moved to lay the resolutions on the table. The motion was lost.

On motion of Mr. Hascall, Mr. Britain was excused from voting on the resolutions.

The question on adopting the resolutions being taken by yeas and nays, it was decided in the affirmative, as follows:

Yeas: Messrs. Bacon, Durocher, Farnsworth, Hascall, Millington, Moran, Ren wick, Satterlee, Stockton, M'Donell, president—10.

Nays: Messrs. Doty, Martin—2.

On motion of Mr. Stockton, the Council proceeded to the consideration of the resolution rehlive to the Wabash and Erie canal, and the substitute submitted by him to the said resolution on the 80th of January.

Mr. Britain moved the following as a substitute to the aforesaid substitute:

Resolved, That the committee on territorial affairs be instructed to inquire what measures ought to be taken to insure to the territory of Michigan a friendly co-operation with the state of Ohio in the location of the Wabash and Erie canal.

Mr. Martin moved to lay the resolution and substitutes on the table; which motion was disagreed to.

The question was then taken on the substitute proposed by Mr. Britain, and decided in the negative.

On motion of Mr. Bacon, the motion to adopt the substitute proposed by Mr. Stockton to the original resolution was divided so as to take die question separately on each of the resolutions embraced in the substitute.