Page:Journal of the Sixth Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan.djvu/88

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Feb. 18.

Bank of the River Raisin, and the amount of the loans made at each bank, report:

That the committee addressed the cashiers of each of the above- mentioned banks upon the subject of the resolution; and having received their answers, they ask leave to submit the information contained in them to the Council, and that the said answers may be accepted as a part of this report, and, also, that the committee may be discharged from the further consideration of said resolution.

On motion of Mr. Doty, the Council resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the bill No. 5, to establish a district court in certain counties, and to define its powers and duties; and, after some time spent therein, the committee rose, and Mr. Stockton reported, that the committee of the whole had had the said bill under consideration, and instructed him to report the same with sundry amendments; which were concurred in by the Council.

On motion of Mr. Stockton,

The Council proceeded to the consideration of executive business; and, having disposed of the same,

The Council adjourned.

Tuesday, February 18, 1834.

The president laid before the Council a communication from the cashier of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Michigan, transmitting in obedience to a resolution of the Legislative Council, adopted on the 10th instant, an abstract statement of the funds of that bank on the first of January, 1834. Laid on the table.

Mr. Stockton presented a petition from sundry inhabitants of the township of St. Clair, remonstrating against a division of the said township. Referred to the committee on territorial affairs.

On motion of Mr. Bacon,

Resolved, That the committee on internal improvement inquire into the expediency of so amending the act to regulate highways as to authorize a majority of commissioners of highways to lay out and establish roads.

Mr. Millington, from the committee on enrolment, reported that the committee had examined and compared the "act repealing a part of the act entitled ‘an act for the punishment of crimes,'" and the "act to provide for the maintenance and protection of the poor residing within the limits of the city of Detroit," and had found them to be correctly enrolled.

Mr. Doty, from the committee on the judiciary, reported

A bill to amend an act entitled "an act relative to the privileges and duties of townships"

Mr. Durocher, on leave granted, introduced

A bill amendatory to an act entitled "an act to provide for the assessment and collection of territorial taxes."

Mr. Martin, from the committee on the judiciary, reported the following resolution, which was adopted: