Page:Journals of Several Expeditions Made in Western Australia.djvu/118

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GOVERNMENT NOTICE relative to Port Augusta.

Surveyor General's Office, Perth,

11th May, 1830.

On the 29th ultimo, the Lieutenant-Governor, accompanied by Capt. Currie, and several other gentlemen, embarked on board the Emily Taylor, and sailed from Gage's Roads. On the following Sunday, the vessel reached Cape Leeuwin, and anchored in the evening of that day, near the mouth of an inlet communicating with the sea in the N.W. course of the bay, eastward from the cape. The following day was given to the examination of the country near the anchorage.

On Tuesday, an expedition was undertaken to ascertain the nature of the shores of the inlet to the N.W.

On Wednesday and Thursday, after similar excursions were made, and the site of a town, to be called Augusta, being determined on, the settlers, who were passengers on board the brig, commenced their disembarkation.

On Friday, the Lieutenant-Governor, accompanied by several gentlemen and boats, proceeded to explore the principal river. They ascended the stream all that day, and great part of the next, and eventually returned to the vessel at a late hour on Sunday evening.

On Monday, the disembarkation was completed; the Downs to the N.W. of the inlet were visited, and the necessary water got on board.