Page:Journals of Several Expeditions Made in Western Australia.djvu/258

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£1000 per annum, I think it will be advisable to lay her up after a trip to Augusta, keeping Tolez on as pilot.

I intend not to lose a moment in completing the buoying off of the passage into Cockburn Sound, whenever we can get the chains and anchors. Blackwood expressed great anxiety to effect this for us. We have beacons at present, however, on the Challenger and other rocks, so that it is perfectly safe.

February 4th.—I am now about sending off my despatches by the Cornwallis, which is to sail to-day. I find that Brown has written so voluminously as to render it unnecessary to me to revert to to the arrival of the Cygnet, on our late proceedings in the Executive and Legislative Councils, which I trust will meet with your approbation, on seeing them at the Colonial Office, need not repeat the general anxiety that prevails as to the result of the mission you have undertaken, and the desire for your return after the accomplishment of the object, and I am sure none more so than myself. I hope you will be able to get the sale of lands here deferred for some years, as it is generally supposed to operate strongly against our getting an increase of settlers of late, when such a spirit of emigration has manifested itself at home. With the hope of soon hearing from you from England,

I remain, my dear Governor, yours very faithfully,
H. C. Irvin.

P.S.—I have just had the produce of wheat of this crop at Henly Park tried, and find that upwards of 60 bushels per acre have been yielded by land that last year gave 52. This, I think, you will consider very encouraging.
H. C. I. x