Page:Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition 1804-1806.pdf/106

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[Feb. 20

Detatchment Orders
Camp River Dubois, Feb 20h 1804.

[Lewis :]

The Commanding officer directs that During the absence of himself and Cap Clark from Camp, that the party shall consider themselves under the immediate command of Sergt Ordway, who will be held accountable for the good poliece and order of the camp during that period, and will also see the subsequent parts of this order carried into effect. The sawyers will continue their work until they have cut the necessary quantity of plank, the quantity wanting will be determined by Pryor; during the days they labour they shall recieve each an extra gill of whiskey p day and be exempt from guard duty; when the work is accomplished, they will join the party and do duty in common with the other men. The Blacksmiths will also continue their work until they have completed the articles contained in the memorandom. with which I have furnished them, and during the time they are at work will recieve each an extra gill of whiskey pl day and be exempt from guard duty; when the work is completed they will return to camp and do duty in common with the detate[h]ment.

The four men who are engaged in making sugar will con- tinue in that employment untill further orders, and will recieve each a half a gill of extra whiskey p day and be exempt from guard duty.

The practicing party will in futer discharge only one round each pr day, which will be done under the direction of Sergt Ordway, all at the same target and at the distance of fifty yards off hand. The prize of a gill of extra whiskey will be recieved by the person who makes the best shot at each time of practice.

Floyd will take charge of our quarte[r]s and store and be exempt from guard duty untill our return, the commanding

book (at first in Clark's hand, and then for the most part in that of Sergeant John Ordway, with a few entries by Lewis) covers the dates April 1-October 13, 1804. It is but a fragment; the remaining leaves are missing, save those containing an entry dated Fort Clatsop, January 1, 1806. After the start of the expedition from River Dubois camp, we have incorporated into the text the several entries from this document, designating them as [Orderly Book :]". ED.