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( 6 )

I'll tie the poſy round, with a ſilken cord of love,
And place it on the boſom of my ſweet lovely dove;
Unto my lateſt breath of life,
This band ſhall av remain,
A poſy of ſincere regard for my ain dear Jean.



[by R. Burns.]

By Logan-ſtreams that run ſae deep,
Fu' aft wi' glee I've herded ſheep,
Herded ſheep and gather'd flaes,
Wi' my dear lad on Logan-braes.
But, was my heart theſe days are gane,
And I, with grief may herd alane,
While my dear lad maun face his faes,
Far, far from me on Logan-braes.

Nae mair at Logan Kirk will he
Atween the preachings meet wi' me—
Meet wi' me, and when it's mirk,
Convoy me hame frae Logan-Kirk.
Well may I ſing theſe days are gane,
Frae kirk or fair I come alane;
While my dear lad maun face his faes,
Far, far frae me on Logan-braes.