Page:Juarez and Cesar Cantú (1885).djvu/34

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and offensive charge made by the Prince Salm-Salm, and while stating that the Government of Benito Juarez NEVER DEMANDED MONEY for the body of Maximilian. The following extract shows how Sr. Zamacois expresses himself in his work, volume XVIII, chapters XX and XXI, a work that is written with the greatest impartiality, and in which he vindicates Mexico from the false charges made by various foreign writers who are more passionate than just, and more unjust than considerate."

After reproducing what Sr. Zamacois says with remarkable accuracy, with these words the "Voz de Mexico" concludes: "As is to be seen in the statements of our friend Don Niceto de Zamacois in his last work, "The General History of Mexico," the Government of Benito Juarez observed towards the body of the Emperor Maximilian THE MOST exalted CONSIDERATIONS, and showed itself attentive, disinterested and affable to the person sent by the Emperor of Austria to receive the remains of his unfortunate brother.—THESE ARE THE FACTS.—TRUTH BEFORE EVERY-THING."

This act of justice, this tribute to truth, is highly honorable to the Voz de Mexico.

It was necessary completely to ignore the personality of JUAREZ, his notable antecedents, his disinte-

    cial of the Mexican Government, when publishing (September 9th, 1867), the documents referring to the delivery of the body of Maximilian, said, and truly said, that they (the documents), give the lie to the absurd and stupid commentaries of the foreign press, etc. Why did not Cesar Cantu consult these documents? Why did he prefer, without any correction-whatever, to reproduce one-sided statements, false data, and unjust charges, which, precisely because of their origin, ought at least to have appeared to him suspicious?