Page:Jubilee Book of Cricket (Second edition, 1897).djvu/327

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(Colours—Blue blazer trimmed with gold, and school arms on pocket; blue cap piped with gold. )

Few schools, probably no schools, have a better ground than Sherborne, so ample is its space and so perfect its wickets. It is somewhat surprising, therefore, that more good cricketers have not been produced by the school; but it may be remembered that internal troubles have militated against its progress in every way, and that the process of recovery is slow. Excellent as the ground is, it possesses one disadvantage—it is some distance from the school-buildings and houses; and only those who have a knowledge of schoolboys and their ways know how much time is wasted by them when they have some distance to go. Still, as said before, the ground, when once it is reached, is second to none.

The arrangements for practice are as follows: There are three distinct sets of nets used on whole-school days, one for the first eleven and one for the second eleven, while the third is apportioned among the houses. For the general conduct of the first two sets the captain of the eleven is responsible, and he is supported by the school professional and his assistant bowlers, as well as by those masters who are enthusiastic and skilful cricketers. The house-nets are managed by the various captains of houses, but in all points the captain of the eleven is, very properly, supreme, and owes allegiance to none save the Headmaster. The treasurer, it may be added, is always a master. On half-holidays there is an upper game and a lower game, as well as house games, and a "pick-up" is arranged for all those who are not posted for any of these, so that every one, however small and unskilful, has a chance of amusing and improving himself. At one time Sherborne regularly encountered Clifton; but the latter school, owing to its superior numbers, carried too many guns for the Dorsetshire boys, and the match was abandoned. At present Bradfield College and St Paul's School are met, one at home and the other away. Besides these, the Incogniti and M.C.C. visit Sherborne yearly, and there is a goodly list of matches with more local sides. Among the better known Sherburnians are—W. H. Game, A. F. E. Forman, E. Wallington, F. E. Lacey, E. W. Bastard, E. A. Nepean, A. O. Whiting, Capt. C. G. Barton, A. W. F. Rutty.