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burmese grammar.

§84. The following, viz. အချို့ and တချို့, some, အခြား, တခြား, and တပါး, other, ခပ်​သိမ်း and အလုံးစုံ, all, are joined to their nouns according to the general rule, except that when prefixed, the connective is in some instances omitted. ခပ်​သိမ်းစုံ, all is prefixed with a connective.

§85. တထူး, other, တကာ, many, အားလုံး all, and အလုံး, all, the whole, are uniformly affixed.

§86. အလုံး, when affixed to a noun or a numeral auxiliary, frequently drops the အ, or changes it to စ, as အိမ်လုံး, or အိမ်​စလုံး, the whole house; အိမ်​သုံး​ခုလုံး, or အိမ်​သုံး​ခု​စလုံး, all the three houses. When affixed to a singular noun, the compound occasionally takes the numeral တ, one, before it, without a change of meaning, as တအိမ်လုံး, or တအိမ်​စလုံး, the whole house; သင်္ဘော​တ​စင်းလုံး, the whole ship.

§87. ဘယ်​နှစ်, how many? is directly prefixed to numeral auxiliaries, or words denoting a part or quantity of a thing, as သရက်​သီး​ဘယ်​နှစ်လုံး, how many mangoes? သရက်​သီး​ဘယ်​နှစ်​တင်း, How many baskets of mangoes?

§88. So much, How much? &c., are expressed by combining pronominals with such nouns as အမျှ, အလောက်, &c., denoting quantity, as ဤမျှ, so much, ဘယ်​လောက်, ဘယ်​မျှ​လောက်, how much?

§89. Some pronominals are doubled to form a kind of plural, as ထိုထို​ဥစ္စာ, those goods.

§90. Pronominals are frequently used substantively, and in that character admit the noun affixes.

verbal adjectives.

§91. Verbal adjectives are made by joining verbal roots to nouns, according to the general rule, as မြတ်​သောလူ, or လူမြတ်, an excellent man; but as the verbal root, when prefixed, is susceptible of the accidents of verbs, it is more correct to regard that construction as participial. See under participial affixes, §114.

§92. Verbal adjectives are also formed from verbal roots by prefixing အ, as အသစ်, new, and by reduplicating the root, as ကောင်း​ကောင်း, good. Such adjectives are commonly affixed to