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burmese grammar.
အသွယ်, what is slender. Things small in bulk, compared to the length, as မြစ်​ခြောက်​သွယ် six rivers, လမ်း​ခု​နှစ်​သွယ်, seven paths.
ယောက်, (uncertain.) Rational beings,—generally mankind, or superior beings, as လူ​ရှစ်​ယောက်, eight men.

§99. Sometimes the noun itself becomes the numeral auxiliary, or is substituted for a descriptive word, as ရွာ​ကိုး​ရွာ, nine villages, မင်း​ဆယ်​မင်း, ten governors.

§100. Words denoting some part or quantity of a thing are combined with numerals in the same manner as words descriptive of a quality, there being no other difference in the cases, excepting that in the latter the number of individual things merely is expressed; in the former, the number of the parts or quantities of the thing, as ရေ​နှစ်​ခွက်, or နှစ်​ခွက်​သော​ရေ, two cups of water; စက္ကူ​အထုပ်​နှစ်​ဆယ်, or အထုပ်​နှစ်​ဆယ်​သော​စက္ကူ, twenty bundles of paper; နှစ်​ရက်, two days (ကာလ, time, being understood), literally, two days of time.

§101. The numeral တ, one, combined with a numeral auxiliary reduplicated, as တခုခု, တယောက်​ယောက်, denotes any one, some one (out of several); when combined with a numeral auxiliary, and the combination reduplicated, as တခု​တခု, တယောက်​တ​ယောက်, it denotes one after another (whether every one or several); when combined with a numeral auxiliary, and followed by the same numeral combined with လေ, as တခု​တ​လေ, တယောက်​တ​လေ (sometimes reversed), it denotes a few, now and then one, here and there one; when combined with a numeral auxiliary, and preceded by the same numeral, combined with စုံ, as တစုံ​တခု, တစုံ​တ​ယောက်, it denotes some one, indefinite. Such combinations may be regarded as pronominal adjectives. They are joined to their nouns, according to the general rule.

§102. Ordinal numerals are of Pali origin, and are prefixed to their nouns, as ဒုတိ​ယ​ခဏ်း, the second section. Ordinals are also made by affixing မြောက်, to raise, to cardinal numerals,