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burmese grammar.

ဖြစ်​သည်, to be, နေ​သည်, to remain, ကောင်း​သည်, to be good, ပျက်​သည်, to be ruined, or in a state of ruin.

§106. Many transitive verbs are formed from intransitive ones, by aspirating the initial letter. If the initial is the first letter of the first or fifth class of consonants, it is changed for its corresponding aspirate, the second letter of the class, as ကျသည်, to fall, ချသည် to throw down, or cause to fall; ပျက်​သည်, to be ruined, ဖျက်​သည်, to ruin. If the initial is a nasal, or an unclassed letter, it is combined with the letter ဟ, as ညွတ်​သည်, to be bent down, ညွှတ်​သည်, to bend down; လွတ်​သည်, to be free, လွှတ်​သည်, to make free.

accidents of verbs.

§107. The accidents of verbs, expressed in most languages by inflections or auxiliary verbs, are here expressed by particles affixed to the verb, without any inflection of the verb itself. The verbal affixes are as follows:—

§108. assertive affixes.

သည်, simply assertive, as သွား​သည်, he goes; in certain combinations, written သော။

၏, same as သည်။

ဘူး, simply assertive, in negative sentences, as မသွား​ဘူး, he goes not,—chiefly colloquial.

ဆဲ, present, but scarcely used except substantively, as သွား​ဆဲ​ဖြင်​သည်, he is going (see Verbs used substantively, §122), or in a participial clause, according to the note below, as ယခု​ဖြစ်​ဆဲ​သော​အမှု, the business that now is, or the present business. In the substantive construction, it may be combined with a preceding future affix, as သွား​လုဆဲ, or reduplicated, as သွား​မည်​ဆဲ​ဆဲ​တွင်, when he was just about going.

ပြီ, past, as သွားပြီ, he went, or has gone; sometimes future.