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parts of speech—verbs.

သွား​အံ့​သော​ငှါ (with the assertive future affix), in order to go.

သွား​သော့​ကြောင့်, because he goes.

သွား​သည်​မို့, ditto,—colloquial.

သွား​သ​ဖြင့်, by means of going, when he goes.

သွား​သည်​နှင့်, with going, when he goes.

သွား​သည်​နှင့်​အညီ, in accordance with the going.

သွား​သည်​တွန်, , or မှာ, going, while he goes.

သွား​သည်က, or မှ, from going.

သွား​သ​ကဲ့​သို့, like as he goes.

သွား​သော​သ​ဖွယ်, ditto.

သွား​သည်လို, ditto.

သွား​သည်​လိုလို, a little like, &c.

§124. When a verb used substantively, and connected by the affix with a following noun, whose initial is a syllabic , drops both the noun affix and the verbal, and takes the noun into union with itself, by rejecting or modifying the initial letter, the abbreviated compound becomes a verbal noun of the same import as the original clause, thus သွား​သည်​၏​အ​ခါ becomes သွား​ခါ, the time of going; နေ​သည်​၏​အ​စည်, နေ​စည်, while remaining; ပြော​သည်​၏​အစ, ပြောစ, the beginning of speaking.

§125. Several cases of verbal nouns, on account of their frequent occurrence, deserve particular mention.

1st. The verbal in ခြင်း, from အခြင်း, an act, deed denotes action or being, in the abstract, as သွား​ခြင်း, a going, or the act of going, ကောင်း​ခြင်း, being good, or the state of being good.

2nd. The verbal in ရာ, from အရာ, a thing, subject, matter, denotes the object of an action, or the place where a thing is, or is done, as နှစ်​သက်​ရာ, an object of love; နေ​ရာ, a remaining place; စွန့်​ပြစ်​ရာ, a place of throwing away.

3rd. The verbal in ရာ, from အလျာ or အလျှာ, what is for, commonly written စရာ, the verbal in ဖို့, or ဘို့, from အဖို့, a portion, and the verbal in ရန် (from ရန်​သည်, to appropriate), denote what is for some purpose, as စား​စ​ရာ, what is for eating,