All my engagements I will construe to thee,
All the charactery of my sad brows.308
Leave me with haste.Exit Portia.
Lucius, who's that knocks?
Enter Lucius and Ligarius.
Luc. Here is a sick man that would speak with you.
Bru. Caius Ligarius, that Metellus spoke of.
Boy, stand aside. Caius Ligarius! how?312
Lig. Vouchsafe good morrow from a feeble tongue.
Bru. O what a time have you chose out, brave Caius,
To wear a kerchief! Would you were not sick!
Lig. I am not sick if Brutus have in hand
Any exploit worthy the name of honour.317
Bru. Such an exploit have I in hand, Ligarius,
Had you a healthful ear to hear of it.
Lig. By all the gods that Romans bow before,
I here discard my sickness! Soul of Rome,321
Brave son, deriv'd from honourable loins,
Thou, like an exorcist, hast conjur'd up
My mortified spirit. Now bid me run,
And I will strive with things impossible;325
Yea, get the better of them. What's to do?
Bru. A piece of work that will make sick men whole.
Lig. But are not some whole that we must make sick?328
Bru. That must we also. What it is, my Caius,
I shall unfold to thee as we are going
To whom it must be done.
307 engagements: undertakings that I stand committed to
construe: explain
308 charactery: writing, message
309 who's: who is it
313 Vouchsafe: vouchsafe to receive
315 kerchief: swathing for the head of the sick
323 exorcist: magician
324 mortified: deadened
331 To whom: to him to whom