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Answer of Counsel to Brotherhood.

collaborateur who fully comprehended the subject in its ensemble. Literature is rich in treatises upon it, while the public press teems with ingenious and plausible speculations respecting the laws by which the social phenomena of capital and labor, as mutually dependent parts of one great whole, should be regulated. The autocracy of the labor class, the regulation of production by trusts, the control of wage-earners by artisan guilds (each of which systems is maintained by a strong-armed despotic majority) do not limit their exhibitions of arbitrary force to special employments or classes, nor to present or past conditions, colors, or races. These kingly usurpers with fierce demeanor set at defiance all limitations, precautions, and guards established by the community for the protection of individuals, other than those which, in their ignorance or disregard of economic conditions, they assume the necessities of trade to impose. Their sociological and jurisprudential tenets have no counterpart but in the doctrine of the Dred Scott case. In effect, they hold, with Scott v. Sandford, especially north of Mason and Dixon's line, not only that the African citizen has no rights which the white citizens are bound to respect, but that no citizen, white or black, has any rights unless he has the force of a majority in numbers or values to support his claim to equality. These combinations are without color of lawful warrant or authority. They pay no regard to the interdependence of human relations in politic society. The principia of their system rest upon no known principle of social science. The tendency of their doctrine is to commit individual property to the custody and protection of the commune. Their theory has no comprehensive classification, utilities, statistics, solid data, or foundation in law or equity. One and all are alike unconstitutional, almost regal usurpations of the civil rights of others. They have created the present crisis in the science of political economy; and they have disturbed the harmonious working and threaten to overturn the organic provisions of our Constitution for the protection and enforcement of the equality of the rights of all citizens by due process of law, irrespective of race or previous condition.

The writer understands your special complaint and desire of