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Justice and Jurisprudence.

any period is eligible, and should be seized hold of by the friends of salutary reform."—Sydney Smith.

"If this republic," said he, with great earnestness, "is not made to stand on solid principle, it has no honest foundation, and the Father of all men will still shake it to its centre. If we have not yet been sufficiently scourged for our national sin to teach us to do justice to all God's creatures, without distinction of race or color, we must expect the still more heavy vengeance of an offended Father, still increasing his afflictions, as he increased the severity of the plagues of Egypt until the tyrant consented to do justice, and when that tyrant repented of his reluctant consent and at tempted to re-enslave the people, he filled the Red Sea with broken chariots and drowned horses, and strewed the shores with the corpses of men."—Stevens.

"'In what state, under what dominion, would you like to live?' said the counsellor. 'Under any but my own,' said his companion, 'and I have found many Siamese, Tonquinese, Persians, and Turks who have said the same.' 'But, once more,' said the European, 'what state would you choose?' The Brahmin answered, 'That in which the laws alone are obeyed.' 'That is an odd answer,' said the counsellor. It is not the worse for that,' said the Brahmin. 'Where is this country?' said the counsellor. The Brahmin, 'We must seek it.'"—Voltaire.

"Serbonian bogs of sans-culottism, stretching sour and pestilential."—Carlyle.

"It becomes the caricature of the state, moving with a deceptive pomp in a disastrous pageant."—Mulford.

"Events are written lessons, glaring in huge hieroglyphic picture-drawing, that all may read and know them: the terror and horror they inspire is but the note of preparation for the truth they are to teach."—Carlyle.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."—Shakespeare.

"Woe to the earth and to the sea, because the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time."—Apocalypse.

"Those beings whom Heaven has cast out and Hell would not receive."—Dante.

"The hydra, royalist, and sans-culottic has many heads."—Carlyle.

"I have long been convinced that institutions purely democratic must, sooner or later, destroy liberty, or civilization, or both. . . . I have not