INDEX 229 standards of value, 64. States, the interrelations of, 20. Strangling of Persia, the, 186. Strategical interests, 152. Submarine blockade, Germany's, 77. Supremacy, naval, 70, 79. Tangier, 143, 161. Territory, gains of, 72. Teutonic aggression, 33, civili- sation, 33. Thirty Years' War, the, 102. Thought, the propaganda of, XI. Times, September 5, 1916, the, IX. Times, the, 121, 142, 154, 166, 168, 169, 182, 195, 218, 219. Timur, 102. Tolstoy, 38, 39. Traitors, 30. Treaties, purpose of, 21. 'Treaty of 1839, the, 124, 215, 216; a secret, 137. Trevelyan, Mr. George, 31. Tribute, 50. Tripoli War, the, 128. Trivial, this war is, 13. Truth neutral in its essence, 2. Tsarism, 170. Turkey, Germany's growing friendship with, 70, 128. United States, the, 97. Utopian dream, a, 66. Utopians, 30. Victory^ a spiritual, 52. Wallas, Mr. Graham, 58. Warmongers, XIII. War, the evils of, 23 ; an ab- surdity, 99 ; four kinds of, 27. Wells, Mr. H. G., 58. Westminster Gazette, X. White paper No. 123, 122. Widows and single women, 113. William the Conqueror, 48. Willis, Miss Irene Cooper, XVII. Wilson, Mr., 93. Witte, M., 165, 166. Wolff-Metternich, Count, 222, 224. Zang, Amir Bahadur, 177. Zerighis, Kahn, 102.
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