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A Quarterly Magazine
Devoted to the Philosophy of Science
Editor: Dr. Paul Carns

The Philosophy of Science is an application of the scientific method to philosophy. It is a systematization of positive facts; it takes experience as its foundation and uses the formal relations of experience (mathematics, logic, etc.) as its method. All truths form one consistent system and any dualism of irreconcilable statements indicates a problem arising from either faulty reasoning or an insufficient knowledge of facts. Science always implies Monism, i. e., a unitary world-conception.

"The Monist" also discusses the Fundamental Problems of Philosophy in their Relations to all the Practical Religious, Ethical and Sociological Questions of the day.

Terms of Subscription:

In the U. S., Canada and Mexico, yearly, postpaid, $2.00; foreign postage, 25 cents additional; single copies, 60 cents. In England and the U. P. U., yearly 6s. 6d.; single numbers, 2s. 6d.

An index covering seventeen years of THE MONIST will be sent to any interested reader, desiring to become acquainted with the work and the standing of its contributors.

P. O. Drawer F Chicago