Page:Juvenal and Persius by G. G. Ramsay.djvu/369

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for Thebes—that country in whose furrows armed legions sprang into life out of dragons' teeth, taking straightway to grim battle as though a bugler had also risen up along with them. Thus you will see the fire, whose sparks you yourself have kindled, blazing far and wide and carrying all before them. Nor will you yourself, poor wretch, meet with any mercy; the pupil lion, with a loud roar, will devour the trembling instructor in his den. Your nativity, you say, is known to the astrologers; but it is a tedious thing to wait for the slow-running spindle, and you will die before your thread is snapped. You are already in your son's way; you are delaying his prayers; your long and stag-like old age is a torment to the young man. Seek out Archigenes at once; buy some of the mixture of Mithridates; if you wish to pluck one more fig, and gather roses once again, you should have some medicament to be swallowed before dinner by one who is both a father and a king."

256I am showing you the choicest of diversions, one with which no theatre, no show of a grand Praetor can compare, if you will observe at what a risk to life men increase their fortunes, become possessors of full brass-bound treasure-chests, or of the cash which must be deposited with watchful Castor,[1] ever since Mars the Avenger lost his helmet and failed to protect his own effects.[2] So you may give up all the performances of Flora, of Ceres, and of Cybele[3]; so much finer are the games of human life. Is there more pleasure to be got from gazing at men hurled from a spring-board, or tripping down a tight rope, than from yourself—you who spend your whole life in a Corycian[4] ship, ever tossed by the wind from North or South, a poor contemptible

  1. Money was deposited in the temple of Castor, in the Forum.
  2. The temple of Mars Ultor, in the Forum Augusti, seems to have been burgled.
  3. i.e. the games.
  4. Corycus. a town in Cilicia.