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Thou art a bold fellow, King William reply'd,
Why dost thou not see the star at my side,
The forest is mine, I'll let thee to know,
Then what is the reason thou threatens me so.

With that the bold keeper fell down on his knees,
A trembling fear his spirits did seize,
The picture of death did appear in his face,
He knew not at first the King was in place.

O pardon, O pardon, my sovereign liege,
For your royal pardon humbly beseech,
Alas! my poor heart in my b east it is cold,
O let me not suffer for being so bold!

Get up honest keeper, and shake off thy fears,
In thee there is nothing of folly appears,
O that ev'ry one were as faithful as thee,
O what a blest prince King William would be.

Because I encourage such persons as you,
I'll make you my ranger and if that won't do,
I'll make thee a captain by sea or by land,
And in my high favour you ever shall stand.

The keeper replied, my sovereign Lord,
Sure I am not worthy of such a reward,
Yet nevertheless, your true keeper I'll be,
'Cause I was nc'cr bred to the army nor sea.

With that the king laugh'd, till his sides he did hold,
And threw him down fifty brisk guineas of gold,
And bid him haste to the Kensington court,
Where of this true jest he would make some report.

And when you come there, see you ask for long Jack
Who wears a pageant of gold at his back,
Likewise a great fazon of gold at his right sleeve,
For he's a true man you may him believe.

He's one of my porters that stands at my gate,
To let in my nobles, both early and late,
And therefore, good fellow come up without fear,
I'll make thee my ranger of parks far and near.