Page:KJV 1769 Oxford Edition, vol. 1.djvu/49

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Leah beareth four sons.
Rachel beareth Joseph.


cir. 1747.

Leah, and ſerved with him [1] yet ſeven other years.

31 ¶ And when the LORD [2] ſaw that Leah was hated, he [3] opened her womb: but Rachel was barren.

32cir. 1752. And Leah conceived, and bare a ſon, and ſhe called his name ‖‖ That is, ſee a ſon. Reuben: for ſhe ſaid, Surely the LORD hath [4] looked upon my affliction; now therefore my husband will love me.

33cir. 1751. And ſhe conceived again, and bare a ſon; and ſaid, Becauſe the LORD hath heard that I was hated, he hath therefore given me this ſon alſo: and ſhe called his name ‖‖ That is, hearing. Simeon.

34cir. 1750. And ſhe conceived again, and bare a ſon; and ſaid, Now this time will my husband be joined unto me, becauſe I have born him three ſons: therefore was his name called ‖‖ That is, joined.
See Num 18. 2, 4.

35cir. 1749. And ſhe conceived again, and bare a ſon: and ſhe ſaid, Now will I praiſe the LORD: therefore ſhe called his name [5]‖ That is, praiſe. Judah; and † Heb. ſtood from bearing. left bearing.


1 Rachel in grief for her barrenneſs giveth her maid Bilhah unto Jacob. 5 Bilhah beareth Dan and Naphtali. 9 Leah giveth Zilpah her maid, who beareth Gad and Aſher. 14 Reuben findeth mandrakes, for which Rachel yieldeth her husband to Leah. 17 Leah beareth Iſſachar, Zebulun, and Dinah. 22 Rachel beareth Joſeph. 25 Jacob deſireth to depart, but is retained by Laban on a new agreement. 37 Jacob's policy, whereby he becometh rich.

cir. 1749.And when Rachel ſaw that [6] ſhe bare Jacob no children, Rachel [7] envied her ſiſter; and ſaid unto Jacob, Give me children, [8] or elſe I die.

2 And Jacob's anger was kindled againſt Rachel: and he ſaid, [9] Am I in God's ſtead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb?

3 And ſhe ſaid, Behold [10] my maid Bilhah, go in unto her; [11] and ſhe ſhall bear upon my knees, [12] that I may alſo †† Heb. be built by her. have children by her.

4 And ſhe gave him Bilhah her handmaid [13] to wife: and Jacob went in unto her.

5cir. 1748. ¶ And Bilhah conceived, and bare Jacob a ſon.

6 And Rachel ſaid, God hath [14] judged me, and hath alſo heard my voice, and hath given me a ſon: therefore called ſhe his name ‖‖ That is, judging. Dan.

7cir. 1747. And Bilhah Rachel's maid conceived again, and bare Jacob a ſecond ſon.

8 And Rachel ſaid, With †† Heb. wreſtlings of God.
ch. 23. 6.
great wreſtlings have I wreſtled with my ſiſter, and I have prevailed: and ſhe called his name ‖‖ That is, my wreſtling. [15] Naphtali.

9cir. 1749. ¶ When Leah ſaw that ſhe had left bearing, ſhe took Zilpah her maid, and [16] gave her Jacob to wife.

10cir. 1748. And Zilpah Leah's maid bare Jacob a ſon.

11 And Leah ſaid, A troop cometh: and ſhe called his name ‖‖ That is, a troop, or, company.
Iſai. 65. 11.

12cir. 1747. And Zilpah Leah's maid bare Jacob a ſecond ſon.

13 And Leah ſaid, †† Heb. In my happineſs. Happy am I, for the daughters [17] will call me bleſſed: and ſhe called his name ‖‖ That is, happy. Aſher.

14cir. 1748. ¶ And Reuben went in the days of wheat harveſt, and found mandrakes in the field, and brought them unto his mother Leah. Then Rachel ſaid to Leah, [18] Give me, I pray thee, of thy ſon's mandrakes.

15 And ſhe ſaid unto her, [19] Is it a ſmall matter that thou haſt taken my husband? and wouldeſt thou take away my ſon's mandrakes alſo? And Rachel ſaid, Therefore he ſhall lie with thee to night for thy ſon's mandrakes.

16 And Jacob came out of the field in the evening, and Leah went out to meet him, and ſaid, Thou muſt come in unto me; for ſurely I have hired thee with my ſon's mandrakes. And he lay with her that night.

17cir. 1747. ¶ And God hearkened unto Leah, and ſhe conceived, and bare Jacob the fifth ſon.

18 And Leah ſaid, God hath given me my hire, becauſe I have given my maiden to my husband: and ſhe called his name ‖‖ That is, an hire. Iſſachar.

19 And Leah conceived again, and bare Jacob the ſixth ſon.

20cir. 1746. And Leah ſaid, God hath endued me with a good dowry; now will my husband dwell with me, becauſe I have born him ſix ſons: and ſhe called his name ‖‖ That is, dwelling. [20] Zebulun.

21 And afterwards ſhe bare a daughter, and called her name ‖‖ That is, judgment. Dinah.

22 ¶ And God [21] remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her, and [22] opened her womb.

23cir. 1745. And ſhe conceived, and bare a ſon; and ſaid, God hath taken away [23] my reproach:

24 And ſhe called his name ‖‖ That is, adding. Joſeph; and ſaid, [24] The LORD ſhall add to me another ſon.

25 ¶ And it came to paſs, when Rachel had born Joſeph, that Jacob ſaid unto Laban, [25] Send me away, that I may go unto [26] mine own place, and to my country.

26 Give me my wives and my children, [27] for whom I have ſerved thee, and let me go: for thou knoweſt my ſervice which I have done thee.

  1. ch. 30. 26. & 31. 41.
    Hoſ. 12. 12.
  2. Pſ. 127. 3.
  3. ch. 30. 1.
  4. Exod. 3. 7. & 4. 31.
    Deut. 26. 7.
    Pſ. 25. 18. & 106. 44.
  5. Mat. 1. 2.
  6. ch. 29. 31.
  7. ch. 37. 11.
  8. Job 5. 2.
  9. ch. 16. 2.
    1 Sam. 1. 5.
  10. ch. 16. 2.
  11. ch. 50. 23.
    Job 3. 12.
  12. ch. 16. 2.
  13. ch. 16. 3. & 35. 22.
  14. Pſ. 35. 24. & 43. 1.
    Lam. 3. 59.
  15. Called, Mat. 4. 13, Nephthalim.
  16. ver. 4.
  17. Prov. 31. 28.
    Luke. 1. 48.
  18. ch. 25. 30.
  19. Num. 16. 9, 13.
  20. Called, Mat. 4. 13, Zabulon.
  21. ch. 8. 1.
    1 Sam. 1. 19.
  22. ch. 29. 31.
  23. 1 Sam. 1. 6.
    Iſai. 4. 1.
    Luke 1. 25.
  24. ch. 35. 17.
  25. ch. 24. 54, 56.
  26. ch. 18. 33. & 31. 55.
  27. ch. 29. 20, 30.