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Laban's covenant with Jacob.
Jacob's message to Eſau.



42 [1] Except the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and [2] the fear of Iſaac, had been with me, ſurely thou hadſt ſent me away now empty. [3] God hath ſeen mine affliction and the labour of my hands, and [4] rebuked thee yeſternight.

43 ¶ And Laban anſwered and ſaid unto Jacob, Theſe daughters are my daughters, and theſe children are my children, and theſe cattle are my cattle, and all that thou ſeeſt is mine: and what can I do this day unto theſe my daughters, or unto their children which they have born?

44 Now therefore come thou, [5] let us make a covenant, I and thou; [6] and let it be for a witneſs between me and thee.

45 And Jacob [7] took a ſtone, and ſet it up for a pillar.

46 And Jacob ſaid unto his brethren, Gather ſtones; and they took ſtones, and made an heap: and they did eat there upon the heap.

47 And Laban called it ‖‖ That is, the heap of witneſs. Chald. Jegar-ſahadutha: but Jacob called it ‖‖ That is, the heap of witneſs. Heb. Galeed.

48 And Laban ſaid, [8] This heap is a witneſs between me and thee this day. Therefore was the name of it called Galeed;

49 And [9]‖ That is, a beacon, or, watchtower. Mizpah; for he ſaid, The LORD watch between me and thee, when we are abſent one from another.

50 If thou ſhalt afflict my daughters, or if thou ſhalt take other wives beſide my daughters, no man is with us; ſee, God is witneſs betwixt me and thee.

51 And Laban ſaid to Jacob, Behold this heap, and behold this pillar, which I have caſt betwixt me and thee:

52 This heap be witneſs, and this pillar be witneſs, that I will not paſs over this heap to thee, and that thou ſhalt not paſs over this heap and this pillar unto me, for harm.

53 The God of Abraham, and the God of Nahor, the God of their father, [10] judge betwixt us. And Jacob [11] ſware by [12] the fear of his father Iſaac.

54 Then Jacob ‖‖ Or, killed beaſts. offered ſacrifice upon the mount, and called his brethren to eat bread: and they did eat bread, and tarried all night in the mount.

55 And early in the morning Laban roſe up, and kiſſed his ſons and his daughters, and [13] bleſſed them: and Laban departed, and [14] returned unto his place.


1 Jacob's viſion at Mahanaim. 3 His meſſage to Eſau. 6 He is afraid of Eſau's coming, 9 and frayeth for deliverance. 13 He ſendeth a preſent to Eſau; 24 wreſtleth with an angel at Peniel, and is called Israel. 31 He halteth.

And Jacob went on his way, and [15] the angels of God met him.

2 And when Jacob ſaw them, he ſaid, This is God's [16] hoſt: and he called the name of that place ‖‖ That is, two hoſts, or, camps. Mahanaim.

3 ¶ And Jacob ſent meſſengers before him to Eſau his brother [17] unto the land of Seir, [18] the †† Heb. field. country of Edom.

4 And he commanded them, ſaying, [19] Thus ſhall ye ſpeak unto my lord Eſau; Thy ſervant Jacob ſaith thus, I have ſojourned with Laban, and ſtayed there until now:

5 And [20] I have oxen, and aſſes, flocks, and menſervants, and womenſervants: and I have ſent to tell my lord, that [21] I may find grace in thy ſight.

6 ¶ And the meſſengers returned to Jacob, ſaying, We came to thy brother Eſau, and alſo [22] he cometh to meet thee, and four hundred men with him.

7 Then Jacob was greatly afraid and [23] diſtreſſed: and he divided the people that was with him, and the flocks, and herds, and the camels, into two bands;

8 And ſaid, If Eſau come to the one company, and ſmite it, then the other company which is left ſhall eſcape.

9[24] And Jacob ſaid, [25] O God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Iſaac, the LORD [26] which ſaidſt unto me, Return unto thy country, and to thy kindred, and I will deal well with thee:

10† Heb. I am leſs than all, &c. I am not worthy of the leaſt of all the [27] mercies, and of all the truth, which thou haſt ſhewed unto thy ſervant; for with [28] my ſtaff I paſſed over this Jordan; and now I am become two bands.

11 [29] Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Eſau: for I fear him, leſt he will come and ſmite me, and [30] the mother †† Heb. upon. with the children.

12 And [31] thou ſaidſt, I will ſurely do thee good, and make thy ſeed as the ſand of the ſea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.

13 ¶ And he lodged there that ſame night; and took of that which came to his hand [32] a preſent for Eſau his brother;

14 Two hundred ſhe goats, and twenty he goats, two hundred ewes, and twenty rams,

15 Thirty milch camels with their colts, forty kine, and ten bulls, twenty ſhe aſſes, and ten foals.

16 And he delivered them into the hand of his ſervants, every drove by themſelves; and ſaid unto his ſervants, Paſs over before me, and put a ſpace betwixt drove and drove.

17 And he commanded the foremoſt,
  1. Pſ. 124. 1, 2.
  2. ver. 53.
    Iſai. 8. 13.
  3. ch. 29. 32.
    Exod. 3. 7.
  4. 1 Chron. 12. 17.
    Jude 9.
  5. ch. 26. 28.
  6. 1 Joſh. 24. 27.
  7. ch. 28. 18.
  8. Joſh. 24. 27.
  9. Judg. 11. 29.
    1 Sam. 7. 5.
  10. ch. 16. 5.
  11. ch. 21. 23.
  12. ver. 42.
  13. ch. 28. 1.
  14. ch. 18. 33. & 30. 25.
  15. Pſ. 91. 11.
    Heb. 1. 14.
  16. Joſh. 5. 14.
    Pſ. 103. 21. & 148. 2.
    Luke 2. 13.
  17. ch. 33. 14, 16.
  18. ch. 36. 6, 7, 8.
    Deut. 2. 5.
    Joſh. 24. 4.
  19. Prov. 15. 1.
  20. ch. 30. 43.
  21. ch. 33. 8, 15.
  22. ch. 33. 1.
  23. ch. 35. 3.
  24. Pſ. 50. 15.
  25. ch. 28. 13.
  26. ch. 31. 3, 13.
  27. ch. 24. 27.
  28. Job 8. 7.
  29. Pſ. 59. 1, 2.
  30. Hoſ. 10. 14.
  31. ch. 28. 13, 14, 15.
  32. ch. 43. 11.
    Prov. 18, 16.