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Death of Ilmarinen’s Wife

Come you forth to smoke the cattle,
And come out to milk the cattle.”
Then did Ilmarinen’s housewife
Bid the mother milk the cattle.
“Mother, go and milk the cattle,
Do thou go to tend the cattle,
For I think I cannot finish
Kneading dough as I would have it.”190
Kullervo, Kalervo’s offspring,
Answered in the words which follow:
“Ever do the thrifty housewives,
Ever do the careful housewives
Go the first to milk the cattle,
Set themselves to milk the cattle.”
Then did Ilmarinen’s housewife
Hasten forth to smoke the cattle,
And she went to milk the cattle,
And surveyed the herd before her,200
Gazed upon the horned cattle,
And she spoke the words which follow:
“Beauteous is the herd to gaze on,
Very sleek the horned cattle,
They have all been rubbed with lynx-skin
And the wool of sheep of forest,
Well-filled, too, are all their udders,
And expanded with their fulness.”
So she stooped her down to milk them,
And she sat her down for milking,210
Pulled a first time and a second,
And attempted it a third time,
And the wolf sprang fiercely at her,
And the bear came fiercely after.
At her mouth the wolf was tearing,
And the bear tore through her tendons,
Halfway through her calves they bit her,
And they broke across her shinbones.
Kullervo, Kalervo’s offspring
Thus repaid the damsel’s jesting,220
Damsel’s jesting, woman’s mocking,
Thus repaid the wicked woman.

vol. ii.