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A New Bride

Mouth and head both twisted sideways,
Tossed his black hair in disorder.260
After this, smith Ilmarinen
Pondered till he spoke as follows:
“Shall I now commence my singing,
Shall I sing a bride like this one,
To a creature of the forest,
Or a creature of the water?
“Not to forest beast I’ll sing her,
All the forest would be troubled;
Neither to a water-creature,
Lest the fishes all should shun her;270
Better slay her with my hanger,
With my sword will I despatch her.”
But the sword perceived his object,
Understood the hero’s language,
And it spoke the words which follow:
“Not for this was I constructed,
That I should despatch the women,
And the weak I thus should slaughter.”
Thereupon smith Ilmarinen
Presently commenced his singing,280
And began to speak in anger,
Sung his wife into a seamew,
Thenceforth round the cliffs to clamour,
Scream upon the rocks in water,
Moan around the jutting headlands,
Struggle with the winds against her.
After this smith Ilmarinen
In his sledge again dashed forward,
And the sledge drove rattling onward,
Head bowed down in great depression,290
Back he journeyed to his country,
Till he reached the well-known regions.
Väinämöinen, old and steadfast,
Came upon the road to meet him,
And began to speak as follows:
“Ilmarinen, smith and brother,
Wherefore is your mood so gloomy,
Wherefore is your cap pushed sideways,