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[Runo XLI

High upon the red cloud-borders,
On the borders of the rainbow.110
But when they began to listen
To the notes of charming music,
From their hands they let the comb fall,
Cast from out their hands the shuttle,
And the golden bands were broken.
And the silver shaft was broken.
There remained no living creature,
None of those who dwell in water,
None who with six fins are moving,
Nor the largest shoals of fishes,120
Which assembled not to listen,
Came not to rejoice and wonder.
Thither came the pikes all swimming,
And the water-dogs swam forward,
From the rocks swam swift the salmon,
From the deeps there came the powans,
Perch and little roach came also,
Powans white, and other fishes;
Through the reeds they pushed their bodies,
Straightway to the shore they hastened,130
There to hear the songs of Väinö,
And to listen to his playing.
Ahto, king of all the billows,
Grass-beard ancient of the waters,
Mounted to the water’s surface,
Climbed upon a water-lily,
To the notes with joy he listened,
And he spoke the words which follow:
“Never have I heard such music,
In the course of all my lifetime,140
As is played by Väinämöinen,
Joyous and primeval minstrel.”
And the sisters, Sotko’s daughters,
Cousins of the reeds on lakeshore,
At the time their hair were brushing,
And their locks were deftly combing,
With a comb composed of silver,
And with golden brush they brushed it.