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The Duel at Pohjola

Lemminkainen, youth so lively,
Sang a white hare to his presence,230
And upon the floor ’twas leaping,
Near the wolf-jaws widely opened.
But the mighty son of Pohja,
Sang a dog with pointed muzzle;
And the dog the hare devoured,
Rent the Squint-eye into fragments.
Lemminkainen, youth so lively,
On the rafters sang a squirrel,
And it frolicked on the rafters,
And the dog was barking at it.240
But the mighty son of Pohja,
Sang a golden-breasted marten,
And the marten seized the squirrel,
On the rafter’s end while sitting.
Lemminkainen, youth so lively,
Sang a fox cf ruddy colour,
And it killed the gold-breast marten,
And destroyed the handsome-haired one.
But the mighty son of Pohja
By his spells a hen created,250
And upon the ground ’twas walking,
Just before the fox’s muzzle.
Lemminkainen, youth so lively,
Thereupon a hawk created,
Quickly with its claws it seized it,
And it tore the hen to pieces.
Then said Pohjola’s great Master,
In the very words which follow:
“Better will not be the banquet,
Nor the guest-provision lessened.260
House for work, the road for strangers,
Unrefreshed from the carousal!
Quit this place, O scamp of Hiisi,
Haste away from all folks’ knowledge,
To thy home, O toad the basest,
Forth, O scoundrel, to thy country!”
Answered lively Lemminkainen,
Said the handsome Kaukomieli,