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Runo XXX]
Lemminkainen and Tiera

Tearless, spite of all vexation,
And unshaken when in trouble.
“But we are not here enchanted,
Not bewitched, and not enchanted,
Here upon the paths to perish,
Sinking down upon our journey,450
In our youth to sadly perish,
In our bloom to meet destruction.
“Let those whom the sorcerers harassed
And bewitched with eyes of evil,
Let them make their journey homeward,
And regain their native country.
Be the sorcerers’ selves enchanted,
And with songs bewitched their children;
Let their race for ever perish,
And their race be brought to ruin.460
“Ne’er in former times my father,
Never has my aged father
Yielded to a sorcerer’s orders,
Or the wiles of Lapland’s children.
Thus my father spoke aforetime,
And I now repeat his sayings:
‘Guard me, O thou kind Creator,
Guard me, Jumala most gracious,
Aid me with thy hand of mercy,
With thy mighty power protect me,470
From the plots of men of evil,
And the thoughts of aged women,
And the curses of the bearded,
And the curses of the beardless.
Grant us now thy aid eternal,
Be our ever-faithful guardian,
That no child be taken from us,
And no mother’s child shall wander
From the path of the Creator,
Which by Jumala was fashioned.’”480
Then the lively Lemminkainen,
He the handsome Kaukomieli,
From his care constructed horses,
Coursers black composed from trouble,