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Itinéraire d'Ou-Kong. Voyages des pélerins bouddhistes. L'ltinérnire €Ou- klong (sal-790) traduit et annoté par MBI. Sylvain Lévi et Ed. Chavannes. Extrait du Journal asiatique. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale. 1895.

Jourx, Recht u. Sitte. Grundriss der indo-ariachen Philologie und Alterthums- Kunde, horauagegeben vou Georg Buhler Recht und Sitte. Von Julius Jolly. Strassburg: K. Tribner. 1696.

Jonar. The Riajataraigini of Jonaraja. ‘Compare below, ii. p.373, Quoted from the eilitio princeys, Calcutta, 1835, except for additional verses found in Prof. Peterson's edition, Bombay Sanskrit Series, 1896; compare for the Taiter, below, ii. p. 286, note.)

Lassgn, Ind. Alt. Indische Alterthureskuade. Von Christan Lassen. igi: L A.B

Tei . Kvtler. London: Willians and Norgate. Vols, 1—TY. 188-74. [Vola 1—IT quoted from second edition.}

Lawrence, Falley. The Valley of Kashmir, by Walter R. Lawrence, 18, cre, Settlemont-Commissioner, Kashmir ond Jammu State. With illustrations. London: Henry Frowde,

Oxford University Pross Warehouse. 1895.

Lokapr. The Lokaprakiga ascribed to Kgemendra. [Compare below, ii. p 376; quoted from MSS. in my collection.)

Mah. Mahitmya [compare regarding Mahitmyas of Kaémir Tirthes, below, ii. pp. 878 sqq., ri 8q-]

Mahabh. ‘The Mahibhirata. (Quoted from Bombay Edition, 1885-88.]

McCrinvxe, Ptolemy. Ancient India as described by Ptolemy : being a transla-

tion of the Chapters which describe India and Central and Eastern Asia in the treatise on ge ny ite by Klaudios Ptolemaios. By J. W. SteCiin Bombay = Education Society's Press. 1855.

M. Mitre, India. India, what can it teach us? A course of lectures delivered before the University of Cambridge by F. Max Miiller, x... London: Longmans, Green & Co. 1883.

Moorcrorr, Travels. Travels in the Himalayan Provinces of Hindustan and tho Panjab; in Ladakh and Kashmir; in Peshawar, Kabul, Kunduz, and Bokhara; by Mr. William Moorcroft and Mr. George Trebeck, from 1819 to 1835. Prepared for the press, from original Journals and Correspondence, by Horace Hayman Wilson. London: Jobo Murray. Vols. ].—I. 1841.

Nilamata. The Nilematapurana. [Compare below, ii. pp. 876 sqq.; quoted from MSS. in my Ge Ee a N.P.W. Sanskrit Wérterbuch in kirzerer Fassung. Bearbeitet

von Otto Bihtlingk. St. Petersburg: Kais, Akademie d Wiesenschaften. Vols, 1—VII. eis amid

PW. _ Sanskrit-Worterbuch. Herauagegebon von der kaiser- lichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bearbeitet von Otto Bobtlingk: und Rudolph Roth. St. Petersburg: Kais. Akademie des Wissenschaften. Vols. 1—VII. 1855-78.

Rajat. Kalhane’ ini, or Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir. by M. A. Stein. Vol.1. Sanskrit Text, with Critical Notes. Bombay: Education Society's Press. 1802.