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"What's the good of being offended by anything, if it's a genuine opinion."

"Well now, that's what I mean. And I say Kangaroo is cleverer than the Red people, because he can make it look as if it would be all rosy afterwards, you know, everything as good as apple pie. I tell you what. All these Reds and I.W.W.'s and all, why don't they make their revolution? Because they're frightened of it when they've made it. They're not frightened of hanging all the capitalists and such. But they're frightened to death of having to keep things going afterwards. They're frightened to death." Jaz smiled to himself with a chuckle. "Nothing frightens them so much as the thought of having to look after things when their revolution is made. It frightens them to death. And that's why they won't make their grand revolution. Never. Unless somebody shoves them into it. That's why they've got this new cry: Make the revolution by degrees, through winning in politics. But that's no revolution, you know. It's the same old thing with a bit of difference, such a small bit of difference that you'd never notice it if you weren't made to."

"I think that's true," said Richard. "Nobody's more frightened of a Red revolution than the Reds themselves. They just absolutely funk it."

"There now—that's the word—they funk it. Yet, you know, they're all ready for it. And if you got them started, if you could, they'd make a clearance, like they did in Russia. And we could do with that, don't you think?"

"I do," said Richard, sighing savagely.

"Well now, my idea's this. Couldn't we get Kangaroo to join the Reds—the I.W.W.'s and all? Couldn't we get him to use all his men to back Red Labour in this country, and blow a cleavage through the old system. Because, you know he's got the trump cards in his hands. These Diggers' Clubs, they've got all the army men, dying for another scrap. And then a sort of secret organisation has ten times the hold over men than just a Labour Party, or a Trades Union. He's damned clever, he's got a wonderful scheme ready. But he'll spoil it, because he'll want it all to happen without hurting anybody. Won't he now?"

"Except a very few."