Page:Karel Čapek - The Absolute at Large (1927).djvu/151

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The Hammer and Star

"Brothers," said the Worshipful Master after a while, "I have summoned this unusual meeting . . . for this . . . er . . . unusual labour, which in . . . er . . . unusual opposition to the secret precepts of our Order . . . is no mere formality. I know . . . that I am violating the solemn and consecrated form of our labour . . . in asking you to come to a decision upon . . . a really serious . . . and public matter . . . of the highest importance."

"The Worshipful Master in the Chair has the right to order our labour," declared the Judex Formidabilis, causing general agitation among his hearers.

"Well, then," began G. H. Bondy, "it concerns the systematic attacks . . . upon our Order recently begun . . . by the Clerical party. They state that our secret activities . . . of the last hundred years . . . are connected with certain extraordinary . . . and regrettable occurrences . . . in the industrial and spiritual field. The Clericalist papers assert that the Masonic Lodges . . . have brought about . . . deliberately . . . this unfettering of demoniacal powers. I ask you . . . what we ought to do . . . in the present time of calamity . . . for the benefit of mankind . . . and for the honour of the Most High. This subject is now open for discussion."

After a moment's solemn silence the Junior Warden arose.