Page:Karel Čapek - The Absolute at Large (1927).djvu/160

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The Absolute at Large

. . . is just as impious a deception . . . as the tricks performed by mediums. . . ."

"Stop," said the Bishop with a sudden amiability. "Take down the following leading article: 'It has been scientifically demonstrated . . .' Have you got that? . . . 'demonstrated that I, Father Jost, am a jackass, a dolt and an idiot? . . . Have you got that?"

"Yes," whispered Jost, utterly bewildered. "Please go on, my . . . my lord."

"Throw that into the waste-paper basket, my son," said the Bishop, "and open your stupid ears. Have you read to-day's papers?"

"Yes, my l . . ."

"Ah, well, I don't know. This morning, my reverend fried, there appeared first of all a communication from the Monist Association, asserting that the Absolute is that Unity which the Monists have always proclaimed to be God, and that therefore the cult of the Absolute is in complete correspondence with the doctrine of Monism. Did you read that?"


"There was also the announcement that the Masonic Lodges commend the Absolute to the support of their members. Did you read that?"


"Further, that at the Synodical Congress of the