Page:Karel Čapek - The Absolute at Large (1927).djvu/228

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Chapter XXVII

A Coral Island in the Pacific

"Well, I'll go to blazes," said Captain Trouble, "if that lanky fellow over there isn't their leader!"

"That's Jimmy," remarked G. H. Bondy. "He used to work here at one time. I thought he was quite tame by now."

"The devil must have owed me something," the Captain growled, "or I shouldn't have had to land here on this wretched . . . Hereheretua!!! Eh?"

"Listen," said G. H. Bondy, laying his gun on the table on the veranda. "Is it the same as this in other places?"

"I should say so," boomed Captain Trouble. "Not far off, on Rawaiwai, Captain Barker and his whole crew were eaten. And on Mangai they had a banquet on three millionaires like yourself."

"Sutherland Bros.?" asked Bondy.

"I think so. And on Starbuck Island they roasted a High Commissioner. Is was that fat MacDeon; you know him, don't you?"
