Page:Karel Čapek - The Absolute at Large (1927).djvu/71

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stricken. "No, no, Heaven defend me from that! I will not go!"

"But, Chief, you must. We can't send Rosenthal or Hubka there. Why, they're raving mad. They would make dreadful speeches. It's the honour of the firm that's at stake. The Burgomaster of Prague has prepared a speech in our honour. The representatives of foreign Governments and the foreign Press will be there. It's to be a great occasion. As soon as the street lamps light up, military bands are going to play salutes and fanfares in the streets, the Male Voice Choirs and the other Choral Societies will sing, there'll be fireworks and a salute of a hundred and one guns, the Castle will be illuminated, and I don't know what. Chief, you simply must be there."

G. H. Bondy arose in great torment of spirit. "God! oh God!" he whispered, "if it be possible, remove this cup. . . ."

"Will you be there?" repeated the manager inexorably.

"God! oh God! why hast Thou forsaken me?"