Page:Karl Radek - Proletarian Dictatorship and Terrorism - tr. Patrick Lavin (1921).djvu/20

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The English general who represents "democracy" by the grace of the City of London and of Wall Street, and who is organizing the crusade of English Imperialism against the Russia of the workers and peasants, announced an offensive by fourteen nations. But the "nations" expected to attack have remained aloof, the generals of the counter-revolution are in part defeated, and the London slave-holders have been unable to overthrow Soviet Russia in spite of their tanks and poison gas, their bombardment of open towns and all other manifestations of the Fourteen Points of the Wilsonian scheme for making the world happy. When the divisions amongst the slaves which were expected by the rulers of the world did not take place because the people did not think it necessary to assist in the restoration of Czarism, the Entente received assistance from an unexpected quarter. At a time when the Russian workers are waging a heroic fight in defense of their government Herr Karl Kautsky hastens to the assistance of the international counter-revolution—Karl Kautsky, the theorist of the sacred Second International, and to this day a member of the German Independent Social Democratic Party, and what is more, its trusted representative at international conferences, which are supposed to strive for the restoration of the unity of the working class. While long rows of priests with swinging censers march in front of Kolchak's troops, and endeavor to break the courage of the peasants in the Red Army by holding aloft sacred images, Karl Kautsky holds up to the view of the proletariat of Russia and of Europe a picture of wonder-working democracy in