Page:Karl Radek - Proletarian Dictatorship and Terrorism - tr. Patrick Lavin (1921).djvu/22

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sideration; all the more so that the "luminous historical performance"—as Haase calls it—has been quoted ad nauseum, not only by Social Patriots and Right Independents (as Hilferding and Ströbel), but even by people who, like Ledebour, still have the reputation of being revolutionary politicians. The outcry against terrorist methods, the watchword "Dictatorship without terrorism," is the latest attempt to mislead the workers now that it seems hopeless to prevent the spread of knowledge of the necessity for the dictatorship on proletarian grounds. "Dictatorship without terrorism" is the last refuge of the opponents of the proletarian dictatorship. Kautsky's book is their weapon. It will be very easily broken, however, for it is a sword of cardboard.