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XIU ragt How Dcvascna obtained the magic ointmeut i 594 Story of the grateful monkey 596597 Story of the two princesses 598599 Story of Dhanadatta 600601 Story of Ke&ta and Kandarpa 601 610 Story of Kusumiyudha and Eamalalochanu 606 607

CHAPTER CXXIV. Conclusion of the story of Kalingasona's marriage 611 6 1 4 Story of Chandrasvamin 611 612 Conclusion of the story of Vikramaditya king of Ujjayini 614 624 Story of Devasvamin ; 616617 Story of AgniSarman 617 618 Story of MtUadeva 618624 Conclusion of the story of Naravahanadatta son of Udayana 624 Conclusion of the Katha Sarit Sagara 625