Page:Kattie's answer to wabster Jock.pdf/7

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Revenge your wrongs on proud France,
who threatens you with an invaſion.
They ſay forty thouſand they'll land,
and put all the world in wonder,
But, while the Royal Scots are at hand,
we’ll make Monſieur to knock uuder.


Then Monſier come if you dare,
I’ll warrand we'll handle you cleverly,
And ſhew you what Royal Scots are,
By a dance call’d Roger of Coverly.

Young Roger has left off his plough,
and now he is ploughing the ocean,
And Johnny's a gentleman now,
a ſoldier in the height of promotion.
His ſword for his flail now he's worn,
who every day was a treſhing,
But inſtead of his threſhing of corn,
the French he’s cutting and ſlaſhing.
Then Monsieur come if you dare, &c.

The Royal Scots they are as good,
as ever was belted in leather,
For their king and their country they ſtood,
they'll beat or they'll all die together,
In the front of the battle array,
they cruize from their honoured ſtation,