Page:Keats - Poetical Works, DeWolfe, 1884.djvu/383

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Sigifred. What is this?

Albert.Nothing, Sigifred. Farewell!
We'll meet upon our subject. Farewell, count!
Sigifred. To this clear-headed Albert? He brain-turn'd!
'Tis as portentous as a meteor.

Scene II.An Apartment in the Castle.

[Enter as from the Marriage, Otho, Ludolph, Auranthe, Conrad
Nobles, Knights, Ladies, &c., &c., &c. Music.

Otho. Now Ludolph! Now. Auranthe! Daughter fair!
What can I find to grace your nuptial day
More than my love, and these wide realms in fee?

Ludolph. I have too much.

Auranthe.And I, my liege, by far.

Ludolph. Auranthe! I have! O, my bride, my love!
Not all the gaze upon us can restrain
My eyes, too long poor exiles from thy face,
From adoration, and my foolish tongue
From uttering soft responses to the love
I see in thy mute beauty beaming forth!
Fair creature, bless me with a single word!
All mine!

Auranthe. Spare, spare me, my Lord; I swoon else.

Ludolph. Soft beauty! by to-morrow I should die,
[They talk apart.Wert thou not mine.

1st Lady.How deep she has bewitch'd him!