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ville's 'Typee' out loud. It's all about the South Sea Islands. The people in those islands eat and swim and laugh and wear garlands of flowers. They are very sweet-natured. I find myself envying them. Out of such civilization as they have they have made a game."

"They live in darkness," said Mrs. Eaton, "except such as have been converted."

"But it wouldn't seem dark," said Mr. Ruggles, "if one didn't know that it was dark, would it, Mrs. Eaton?"

"I don't know what you mean, Mr. Ruggles, unless you mean that ignorance is bliss."

"I think that is just what I do mean, Mrs. Eaton. Yes, that is just what I do mean. And I go a step further. I believe that where ignorance is bliss it is folly to be wise."

"I shan't argue with you, Mr. Ruggles. I see that you are far better used to sophistry and hairsplitting than I am. I am an old-fashioned woman. And I daily thank God that this should be so."

Meanwhile Alice in the far corner: ". . . And you pick your bread and meat off the trees and when you bathe you simply go and stand under a waterfall, and if you've got an almanac with you and can predict an eclipse of the sun or of the moon they all beat their heads on the ground and make you king . . . But I'd be the queen."