Page:Kern, Good Morning Dearie, 1922.djvu/14

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\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff {
    \key e \major {
      \time 3/4
      \relative c'' {
        \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -4.0 . 0 )
        <e' gis>2.^ \markup {Valse lento }\p ( |
        <dis fis>4. <cis e>8 <gis dis'> <e cis'>) |
        <c' e>2.^( |
        <b d>4. <a c>8 <g b> <a e>) |
        <<\new Voice = "first"
          { \voiceTwo \relative c''' <fis,! gis! bis,!>2.^\(  | 
            \voiceOne dis,8 e fis gis e dis\) |
            gis,2.~ |
            gis~ |
            gis~ |
            gis | \bar "||"
            gis2\( fis4~ | 
            \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
            fis8 e cis b \tupletDown \times 2/3  {\slurDown cis8_-( e_- fis_-)\)} |
            gis2\( fis4~ |
            fis8 e cis b \tupletDown \times 2/3  {\slurDown cis8_-( e_- gis_-)\)} |
            \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##f
            b2.\( |  
            cis2. \)| %phrasing slur should extend to end of bar
          \new Voice = "second"
          { \voiceTwo { s2. | 
            bis'!2. | 
            r4_\markup { \italic "pesante"} <gis, cis e>4 <gis cis e>4 |
            r4 <gis cis e>4 <gis cis e>4 |
            r4 <gis cis e>4 <gis cis e>4 |
            r4_\markup { \italic "rit."} <a! b dis>4 <a b dis>4|
            r4_\markup { \italic "a tempo"} <gis~ b~>2 |
            \voiceOne \once \override Flag #'transparent = ##t <gis b >8_\markup { \italic "allarg"} s8 s2|
            \voiceTwo r4_\markup { \italic "a tempo"} <gis~ b~>2 |
            \voiceOne \once \override Flag #'transparent = ##t <gis b >8_\markup { \italic "allarg"} s8 s2|
            \voiceTwo a'2 gis4~|
            gis8 fis e dis s4 | %putting the triplet here with change staff not working
            a!2 gis4~ |
            gis8 fis s2 | %this should change staff as well, obviously
        \new Voice = "bell"
           \voiceThree {
            s1 s s s s s4 \teeny  \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -3.4 . -2.7 ) b'''4^.^\markup{\italic "Bell"} s2 | s2 s4 | \teeny gis4^. s2|
  \new Staff {
    \clef "bass"
    \key e \major
    \time 3/4
      \new Voice="notes" { \relative c {
        cis4.^( gis'8 cis e |
        gis2.) |
        c,,4.^( g'8 c e |
        g2.) |
        \relative c gis!8( \relative c{ dis!8 fis! gis! bis dis!} |
        fis2 gis,4) |
        <cis,, cis'>2. |
        <a a'>2.|
        <ais ais'> 2. |
        <b b'>2.|
        e4\staccato \clef "treble" b'''\staccato b'\staccato \clef "bass" |
        b,,,,\staccato <b' gis'>2 |
        e,4\staccato \clef "treble" b'''\staccato b'\staccato \clef "bass" |
        b,,,,\staccato <b' gis'>2 |
        fis4 <a' b dis>4 q |
        b,,4 <a'' b> \tupletUp \times 2/3 { cis8^- bis^- ais^-\)}|
        fis,4 b b|
        b, dis'8 cis \tupletUp \times 2/3 {b^- a gis^-}
      \new Voice="pedals"{
        s16 s2\sustainOn s16 s8 |
        s2 s8 s\sustainOff |
        s16 s2  \sustainOn s16 s8 |
        s4. s8 s s \sustainOff|
        s2.\sustainOn |
        s2 s8 s\sustainOff |
\new PianoStaff <<%\with {\override StaffGrouper.staff-staff-spacing=#'( (basic-distance . 10) (padding . 1))} <<

  \new Staff = "rh" {
    \tempo "Valse lento"
    \key e \major {
      \time 3/4
      \relative c'' {
        \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -4.0 . 0 )
        <e' gis>2.%{^ \markup {Valse lento }%}\p ( |
        <dis fis>4. <cis e>8 <gis dis'> <e cis'>) |
        <c' e>2.^( |
        <b d>4. <a c>8 <g b> <a e>) |
        <<\new Voice = "first"
          { \voiceTwo \relative c''' <fis,! gis! bis,!>2.^\(  | %accidentals are in the wrong order
            \voiceOne dis,8 e fis gis e dis\) |
            gis,2.~ |
            gis~ |
            gis~ |
            gis | \bar "||"
            gis2\( fis4~ | 
            \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
            fis8 e cis b \tupletDown \times 2/3  {\slurDown cis8_-( e_- fis_-)\)} |
            gis2\( fis4~ |
            fis8 e cis b \tupletDown \times 2/3  {\slurDown cis8_-( e_- gis_-)\)} |
            \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##f
            \once \override PhrasingSlur #'control-points = #'((2 . 2) ( 4 . 4) (36 . 5) (37 . 3))
            b2.\( |  
            cis2. \)| %phrasing slur should extend to end of bar
            dis2. |
            a'2\( gis4~ |
            \once \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
            gis8 fis dis cis \tupletDown \times 2/3  {\slurDown dis8_-( fis_- gis_-)\)} |
            a2\( gis4~ | \break
            \once \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
            gis8 fis dis cis \tupletUp \times 2/3  {\slurUp dis8_-( fis_- gis_-)\)} |
            cis2.\( |
            dis2. |
            gis,2.~\) |
            gis2. |
          \new Voice = "second"
          { \voiceTwo { s2. | 
            bis!2. | 
            r4_\markup { \italic "pesante"} <gis, cis e>4 <gis cis e>4 |
            r4 <gis cis e>4 <gis cis e>4 |
            r4 <gis cis e>4 <gis cis e>4 |
            r4_\markup { \italic "rit."} <a! b dis>4 <a b dis>4|
            r4_\markup { \italic "a tempo"} <gis~ b~>2 |
            \voiceOne %{\once \override Flag #'transparent = ##t%} <gis b >8_\markup { \italic "allarg"} s8 s2|
            \voiceTwo r4_\markup { \italic "a tempo"} <gis~ b~>2 |
            \voiceOne %{\once \override Flag #'transparent = ##t%} <gis b >8_\markup { \italic "allarg"} s8 s2|
            \voiceTwo \once \override PhrasingSlur #'control-points = #'((1 . -2) ( 8 . -8) (24 . -4) (32 . -8.5))  a'2\( gis4~| 
            gis8 fis e dis \change Staff = "lh"  \tupletUp \times 2/3 { cis8^- b^- ais^-\)} \showStaffSwitch \change Staff = "rh" |  
            \once \override PhrasingSlur #'control-points = #'((1.5 . -5) ( 3 . -6) (31 . -7) (34 . -8.5)) %fix height so phrasingslur doesn't cross notes
            a!2\( gis4~ |
            gis8[ fis] \change Staff = "lh" \voiceThree dis8 cis \tupletUp \times 2/3 {b^- a gis^-\)} \hideStaffSwitch \change Staff = "rh" | %add another manual phrasing slur
            \voiceTwo r4 <a'~ dis~>2 |
            \voiceOne %{\once \override Flag #'transparent = ##t%} <a dis>8 s8_\markup { \italic "allarg"} s2| %allarg should be shifted down
            \voiceTwo r4 <a~ dis~>2 |
            \voiceOne %{\once \override Flag #'transparent = ##t%} <a dis>8_\markup { \italic "allarg"} s8 s2|
            \once \override PhrasingSlur #'control-points = #'((1 . -2) ( 3 . -3) (31 . -6) (35 . -7)) %fix height and curvature so phrasingslur looks better
            \voiceTwo a'2\( gis4~ |
            gis8 fis e dis \showStaffSwitch \change Staff = "lh" \tupletUp \times 2/3 {cis^- b^- a^-\)} \hideStaffSwitch \change Staff = "rh" |
            \once \override PhrasingSlur #'control-points = #'((1 . -6.5) ( 2 . -7) (31 . -7) (34 . -9)) %fix height and curvature so phrasingslur looks better
            gis2\(( fis4~) |
            fis8 \showStaffSwitch \change Staff="lh" \voiceThree e[ dis cis] \tupletDown \times 2/3 {\slurDown b_-( gis_- e_-)\)}|
        \new Voice = "bell"
           \voiceThree {
            s1 s s s s s4 \teeny  \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -3.4 . -2.7 ) b'''''4^.^\markup{\italic "Bell"} s2 | s2 s4 | \teeny gis4^. s2| s1 s1 s1 s2. | \teeny b4^. s2 | s2. | \teeny b4^. s2
  \new Staff = "lh" {
    \clef "bass"
    \key e \major
    \time 3/4
      \new Voice="notes" { \relative c {
        cis4.^( gis'8 cis e |
        gis2.) |
        c,,4.^( g'8 c e |
        g2.) |
        \relative c gis!8( \relative c{ dis!8 fis! gis! bis dis!} |
        fis2 gis,4) |
        <cis,, cis'>2. |
        <a a'>2.|
        <ais ais'> 2. |
        <b b'>2.|
        e4\staccato \clef "treble" b'''\staccato b'\staccato \clef "bass" |
        b,,,,\staccato <b' gis'>2 |
        e,4\staccato \clef "treble" b'''\staccato b'\staccato \clef "bass" |
        b,,,,\staccato <b' gis'>2 |
        fis4 <a' b dis>4 q |
        b,,4 <a'' b> s4 |
        fis,4 b b|
        b, s2|
        fis'4^. \clef "treble" b''\staccato b'\staccato \clef "bass" |
        b,,,, <b' gis'>2 |
        fis4\staccato \clef "treble" b''\staccato b'\staccato \clef "bass" |
        b,,,,\staccato <b' a'>2 |
        fis4 <fis' a cis e> q | b,, <a'' b> s | e, b' b | b,8 s s2|
      \new Voice="pedals"{
        s16 s2\sustainOn s16 s8 |
        s2 s8 s\sustainOff |
        s16 s2  \sustainOn s16 s8 |
        s4. s8 s s  \sustainOff| 
        % \override SustainPedal #'extra-offset = #'(-4.0 . -4.0) % doesn't work
        s2. \sustainOn |
        s2 s8 s\sustainOff |