Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/141

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ālǣtan, rv., let go, lose: inf. 59. 1; ālētan, 33. 7; 42. 16; pp. ālētan, 67.3.
†ālesan, sv. 5, cull, gather: pret. 3. sg. ālæs, 70. 4; opt. pret. 2. sg. ālēse, 65. 2.
ālīefan, wv., permit: pp. ālȳfad, 16. 16.
ālīesan, wv., free from, redeem: pret. 2. sg. ālȳsdest, 8. 21; opt. 2. sg. ālȳse, 5. 2; imp. ālȳse, 13. 9.
āmærran, wv., mar, hinder: opt. pret. 3. pl. āmyrdan; inf. 33. 2; āmirran (MS. amirram), 8. 17; pp. āmyrred, 18. 2.
ān, num. and adj., one, alone, only; a, an: nsm. 66.32; 67.20; as. 50. 9; 57. 5; nsm. wk. āna, 9. 3; 11. 12; 13. 7; nsn. ān, 30. 3; 31.6; 33.10; 40.9; gsm. 44.20; gs. ānes, 15. 10; ānnes, 50. 1; dsm. ānum, 20. 13; 43. 7, 12; 44.10; dsf. ānre, 1.5; 20.17; 42.16; 44.21; 63.7; asm. āne, 35.13; ānne, 11.10; 44.4; ān, 44.14; asn. 46.22.
†anbīdian, wv., abide: 1. sg. anbīdie, 30. 27.
ancor, m., anchor: ns. ancer, 22.6; ds. ancre, 22. 5; 30. 1; ap. ancras (MS. amcras), 23. 1; np. anceras, 29. 16; gp. ancra, 23. 7; dp. ancrum, 22. 17; 24. 18.
ancerstreng, m., cable: ns. 22. 4; ds. ancerstrengne, 28. 17.
and, conj., and: in MS. always written ⁊; 1.1, etc.
andefn, f., proportion: ds. andefne, 52.19; 53.1; dp. andefnum, 65.26.
andettan, wv., confess: 1. sg. andette, 25.13; 32.22; 35.22.
†andætta, wm., confessor: bēon andætta, acknowledge, 52. 6.
andgit, n., intellect, reason, mind: ns. andgyt, 29. 7; angyt, 28. 2, 3, 13 (2); 44. 26; andgit, 45. 1; gs. andgytes, 31.24; 32.17; andgyttes, 49. 6; ds. andgytte, 19. 13; angytte, 21. 16; angitte, 4. 19; as. andgyt, 70. 1; angyt, 8. 18; ds. angyttum, 19. 17.
†andgitlic, adj., intelligible: nsn. wk. andgitlice, 6. 12; gsn. wk. angitlican, 6. 1.
andswarian, wv., answer: 2. sg. andswarast, 39. 3; ger. andsweorianne, 32. 17; pret. 3. sg. answarode, 2.21; 3.7; 14.10; answarede, 67. 20.
andweard, adj., present, temporal: gsn. wk. andweardan, 25. 18; 60. 1; dsn. wk. 43. 18, 23; 60. 3; 67. 23; asn. andwearde, 60. 12.
andweorc, n., matter: ds. andweorce, 5.7.
andwyrdan, wv., answer: opt. 2. sg. andwyrde, 47. 4; inf. andweardan, 63. 16.
anlang, prep. w. gen., along: 20. 17.
anlīcness, see onlīcness.
ānmōdness, f., unanimity, (Lat. concordia): ds. ānmōdnesse, 9. 8.
ānness, f., unity: ds. ānnesse, 59. 14.
ansīen, f., face, vision, (Lat. videndo): ds. ansīne, 66. 3; ansȳne, 64. 26.
answarian, see andswarian.
anweald, m., authority: ds. anwealde, 11. 12; as. anweald (MS. anwealð), 59. 21.
†ānȳdan, wv., drive out, banish: pp. ānȳd, 69. 15.
ār, f., honor: ns. 65.20; ds. āre, 2.4; 44.12,20; 67.15; as. 66.1; gp. āra, 46. 21; 47. 2; ap. 46. 8; āre, 65. 13; 68.32,33.
ārǣdan, wv., utter: opt. 1. sg. ārǣdige, 13. 24.