Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/157

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getwēon, wv., doubt: 1. sg. getwēoge, 59. 12.
geðafa, wv., consenting person: with bēon and gen. in sense of admit, consent: ns. geðafa, 32. 19; 42. 19, 20; 53.7, 14; 56. 8; 58. 27; 60.17; 62.15; geþafa, 33.22.
geðafian, wv., consent to, admit: 3. sg. geðafað, 53. 17.
†geðencan, wv., think, recollect, conceive; consider: 2. sg. geðencst, 35. 4, 5; 4. 2 (MS. geðengst); imp. geðenc, 23. 13; 44. 1; 67. 31; geðence, 31.5, 14; inf. geþencan, 21.18; 33.9; 47. 11.
†geþofta, wm., companion: ap. geþoftan, 60. 33.
geðolian, wv., endure: pret. 1. sg. geðolede, 12.2; geðolode, 41.7; 3. pl. geðolodon, 60. 12.
geþwǣre, adj., harmonious: apn. 5.14.
geþyld, n., patience, endurance: as. 7.14.
†geungewlitian, wv., become disfigured: 3. pl. geungewlitegað, 59. 20.
gewanian, wv., decrease, lessen: pp. gewanod, 29. 6.
geweald, n., strength, poiver: as. 55.7.
gewealden, participle as adj., powerful, mighty: ipm. gewealnum (gewealdnum?), 30. 12.
geweorðan, sv. 3, become, happen: 3. sg. gewyrð, 28.19; 46.20; 66. 11; 68.13; pret. 3. pl. geweordon, 69. 25; opt. 3. sg. geweorðe, 46.21; gewirðe, 46.22; pret. 3. sg. gewurde, 34. 11; inf. 5.3; 63.27; gewurðan, 63.15; (MS. gewurðam), 51. 4.
gewircan, wv., work, perform: pret. 2. sg. geworhtest, 5. 11; 5. 3 (MS. gewortest); geworhte (MS. gewordte), 5. 7; 3. sg. 11. 1; opt. 3. sg. gewirce, 2. 6.
gewislice, adv., certainly: gewislice, 41.3; 56.4; 57.10; 60.1; 64. 31; gewislic, 59. 35.
gewiss, n, certainty: gs. gewisses, 20.22.
gewiss, adj., certain: comp. as. wk. gewisran (MS. gewisram), 18. 6.
gewiss, adv., surely, crrtainly: 20.10; 27.2; 30.2.
gewita, wm., wise man: np. gewitan, 63. 35.
gewītan, sv. 1, depart, leave: 3. sg. gewīt, 62. 35; gewȳt, 25. 3; opt. 2. sg. gewīte, 63. 3; 3. sg. 25. 3; 51. 7; 52. 8; gewitte, 52. 10; 3. pl. gewītað, 63. 2; inf. 62. 27.
gewītu, n., punishment, torture: ds. gewīte, 68. 5.
†gewītendlic, adj., perishable, fleeting: nsf. gewītendlice, 3. 4.
gewitness, f., testimony: ds. gewitnesse, 66. 16; as. gewittnesse, 66. 15.
gewityg, adj., wise, intelligent: ns. 7.1.
gewitt, n., intellect, reason, wit, sense: ns. gewit, 64. 12, 17; 66. 7; ds. gewitte, 18. 11; 33. 17; 38. 7; 64. 13, 19; 65. 4; dp. gewitum, 18.20; ip. 18.18.
†gewlitian, wv., adorn, beautify: 3. sg. gewlitegað, 62. 29.
gewrit, n., writing: dp. gewritum, 66. 13.
gewrixle, n., vicissitude: as. 9. 18.
gewunian, wv., dwell, abide: 3. sg. gewunað (MS. gewunat), 6. 21.
gewurþian, wv., honor: 2. sg. gewurþugast, 8. 6.
†gifola, wm., bounteous giver: ns. 2. 13 (MS. gidfola).