Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/171

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sceamian, wv., impers., be ashamed, blush: 3. sg. sceamað, 20. 25; 48. 10; 60. 18; 62. 14; opt. 3. sg. scamige, 49.8; 60.20.
sceamu, f., shame, dishonor: ds. sceame, 12. 7.
sceapen, see scypend.
†scearpe, adv., keenly, sharply: scearpe, 44. 22; sup. scerpest, 43. 21; scearpost, 43. 21.
scēawian, wv., observe, show(?): imp. scēawa, 3. 14.
scēawunga, f., seeing, observing: as. 21. 17.
†sceotan, sv. 2, shoot, rush: 3. pl. scēotað, 66. 23.
†scēðþe, f., skiff: is. 21. 23.
scort, adj., short: asm. scortne, 44. 8; scordne, 44. 9; comp. as. scyrtran, 49. 5; wk. 49. 11.
scyldig, adj., guilty: nsm. wk. scyldiga, 65. 16.
scȳma, wm., brightness, effulgence: as. scȳnan, 45. 12; is. scȳman, 66.22; scīman, 31.8.
scȳnan, sv. 1, shine: 3. sg. scȳnð, 31.7,9,11; scȳnað, 66, 23; opt. 3. sg. scīne, 31. 11; pr. p. scȳnunde, 31. 15.
sculan, anv., be obliged, must, ought, shall: 1. sg. sceal, 4.13; 12. 16; 17. 16; 24. 1; 30. 19; 32. 19; 35.7; 37.11,12; 35.18 (MS. scel); sceol, 37.9; scel, 28.9; scal, 30. 16; scall, 66. 16; 2. sg. scealt, 22.17; 25.4,5; 27.3,8; 30. 20; 32. 14; 43. 16; 48. 4; 64. 24; sceolt, 65. 7; scalt, 32. 12; 47. 12; 3. sg. sceal, 43. 19; 45. 15; 61.12,13; 63.16,27,28; 65.20; sceol, 68. 22 ; 1. pl. scelon, 55. 12; scylon, 28. 13; sceolon, 59. 8; sculon, 60.14; sceolun, 66.35; scylon, 13. 9; pret. 1. sg. sceolde, 11. 17; 12. 5; 15. 12; 35. 12; scolde, 23. 3; 36. 10; 2. sg. sceoldest, 15. 8; scoldest, 34. 16; opt. 1. sg. scyle, 19. 10; 33. 11; 49. 14; scile, 12.11; 33.7; 2. sg. scyle, 33.19; 3. sg. sceole, 19.8; sceal, 22. 18; scyle, 30.25; 3. pl. scylen, 22.2; scolen, 42. 2; pret. 1. sg. sceolde, 29. 1; 39.7; scolde, 43.14.
scyld, m., shield: ns. 66.32.
scyp, n., ship: ns. 21.20; 22.7,18; 29.16,20; gs. scypes, 29.20; scipes, 22.4; ds. scype, 22.5,10; 28.18; as. scyp, 21.21.
scypend, m., creator: ns. 4.21; 61. 14; vs. sceapen, 11. 5.
se, demonst. adj. (n. þæt; f. sēo), the, that: nsm. 1.16, etc.; nsn. þæt, 2. 21, etc.; nfs. sēo, 6. 10, etc.; gsm. and n. þæs, 1. 8, etc.; þes, 51. 9, etc.; dsm. and n. þām, 1.4, etc.; g. and dsf. þǣre, 2.7, etc.; dsf. þāre, 2. 4, etc.; þēre, 2. 11, etc.; asm. þone, 2. 12, etc.; þane, 1. 6, etc.; asn. þæt, 4. 17, etc.; þat (MS. þad), 7.14; asf. þā, 1. 17, etc.; is. þī, 4. 17, etc.; ðē, 15. 10, etc.; np. þā, 10. 11, etc.; gp. þāra, 1. 2, etc.; dp. þām, 14. 15, etc.; ap. þā, 1. 4, etc.; sē, as pers. pron., 1. 15, etc.
sēarian, wv., wither: inf. 10. 6.
sēcan, wv., seek, search for, follow after: 1. sg. sēce, 11. 11; 2. sg. sēcst, 35. 10; 48. 9; 3. sg. sēcð, 7.2; 13.7; 27.12; sǣcð, 7.4; sēhð, 13.7; 1. du. sēcað, 55.9; pret. 2. sg. sōhtest, 15. 10; 1. du. sōhten, 42. 1; opt. 3. sg. sēce, 44.2; imp. sēc, 3. 15; 63. 8; sǣc, 15.1; inf. 13.8(2); 40.10; 64. 3, 24; 65. 7.
secgan, wv., say, tell: 1. sg. secge, 14. 19; 17.13; 42.24; 48.16;