Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/177

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n. and a. 59. 1, etc.; g. þises, 59. 1, etc.; d. þisum, 1. 17, etc.

ðī, conj., therefore: 43. 19, etc.
þider, adv., thither, whither: 2. 17; 11.17; 58.17; þeder, 4A. 4, 11, 18.
ðille, see willan.
þīn, pos. pron., thine: 12. 24, etc.
þincan, wv., impers. w. dat., seem, appear: 3. sg. þincð, 4. 6; 18. 11; 19.4; 20.7,9; 21.4,22,23; 24, 4; 25.27; 26.1; 31.17; 33.3; 35.3; 36.6; 49.14; 55. 8; 59. 30; 61.7; 65.18; 66.31; 65.20; 69. 23, 34; 41. 14 (MS. þingð); ðincð, 12.3(2); 34. 4; 35.8; 47,7; 49. 19; 50.10,14; 52. 17; 63. 29; 33.23 (MS. ðingð); þincð (MS. þing), 33.3; 58.8; ðincð (MS. ðing), 47. 3, 4; ðincð (MS. ðinc), 33. 1; 50. 10; 60.29; 3. pl. þincað, 25.26; pret. þūhte, 17.3; 19.21; 20.1,3,5; 21.18; 24.15; 26. 17; 61. 22; 41. 4 (MS. þuthte); 41. 9 (MS. þeuhte); pret. 3. pl. þūhton, 20. 2; opt. 3. sg. þince, 10.15; 14.16; 19.18,21; 20.7; 23. 18; 45. 22; 50. 8; 65. 12; þynce, 21.24; ðince, 35.3; 44.3; 61. 5; 65. 15; pret. 3. sg. þūhte, 15.8.
ðing, n., thing: ns. ðing, 46.22; þing, 3. 8; 18. 4; 33. 2, 13; 41. 14; 49. 15; gs. ðinges, 32. 22; þinges, 4.9; 13.13; 29. 10; 38. 5; 42. 21; 64. 8; 67. 4; as. ðing, 67.12; 43. 1, 4; 58. 20; þing, 15. 4, 15; 16. 6; 42.22; 42.23,2; 66.21; np. 31. 8,3; 10.23; 33.10; 58.21; gp. ðinga, 39.7; 43.5; 58.5; þinga 27.11; 29.2; 31.7; 33. 18; 54. 5; 64. 2; dp. ðingum, 40. 5, 9; 41. 11; 42. 25; 58. 4; þingum, 18. 1; 22. 3; 37. 17; 38. 1; 39. 13; 41. 10; 53. 1; 59. 4; 60. 22; 69. 11; þing, 43. 8; ap. ðing 32. 4; 57. 10; 57. 13 (2); 58. 8; þing, 3. 2; 11.10; 14.1; 31.6; 38.7; 38.9; 42.14; 43.2; for ðingum, for the sake of: 42. 21; the following MS. forms are found: ns. þincg, 51. 10; gs. ðincges, 39. 8; np. þinc, 30. 2; np. þincg, 56, 4; np. ðincð, 78. 10; 50. 11; gp. þincga, 69. 24; dp. þincgum, 28.13; 36.4; ap. ðincg, 55. 17; þincg, 25. 14; 40. 2; 57.7.
þolian, wv., bear, suffer: pret. 1. sg. þolede, 12. 3; þolade, 12. 4.
ðonne, adv. and conj., then, when; than: 43. 21; 35. 23 (MS. þene).
†þoðor, m., ball, globe: gs. þoþores, 20. 17; ds. þoðere, 20. 13; 2167; as. þoðer, 21. 8.
þrēatian, wv., treaten, rebuke: 2. sg. þrēatast, 8. 14.
þrēo, num., three: 29.16; 33.10; n. ðrēo, 30. 2; 58. 21; g. þrēora, 27. 11; 29. 2; 58. 4; d. ðrīm, 40. 9; þrīm, 30.5; 58.4; þrīom, 28. 1; þrēom, 59. 4; a. ðrēo, 57.13; 59.9; ðrēo, 31.6; 57.7, 9,13.
†ðrēotan, sv. 2, vex, harass: opt. 2. sg. ðrēote, 46. 2.
ðridde, num. adj., third: 31. 7; ðridde, 34. 14; 40. 11; 57. 6; þridde, 30. 4; a. ðriddan, 27. 17.
†ðrīnness, f., trinity: ds. ðrīnnesse, 59. 14.
ðū, pron., thou, you: 1. 12, etc.
ðurfan, swv. , need, be required, must: 1. sg. þearf, 13.2; ðerf, 13.22; þearf, 28.4; þærf, 45.4; þurfon, 66.5; 3. pl. 53.2; ðurfon, 58.30; pret. 1. sg. ðorfte (MS. ðorte), 20. 6; opt. 1. sg. ðurfe, 29, 2.