Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/180

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wāh, m., wall: as. 1. 12; wōh, 45. 8.
wana, wm., want, lack: ns. 9.9; 28.4; 51. 12; 67.9.
wanian, wv., lessen, wane: pret. 3. sg. wanide, 58. 24; wamde, 64. 14; wanode, 64. 16; 65. 5; pret. 3. pl. wanodon, 8. 3.
warað, n., land: as. 45. 20.
wealdan, rv. w. gen. or dat., rule, govern; 2. sg. wealst, 6. 13; wildest, 9. 16; 3. sg. wealt, 59. 20; wilt, 2. 14, 15.
wealdand, m., lord, ruler: ns. wealdend, 61. 14.
wearðscype, m., dignity, glory: as. 68. 32 (MS. wearscype).
weaxan, wv., grow, increase, wax: 3. pl. wexað, 10. 5; opt. pret. 3. sg. wēoxe, 64. 14; 64. 16; 65. 5.
weder, n., weather: as. wedere, 30.2.
weg, m., way, road: ns. weig, 50. 7; ds. wege, 8. 12; 13. 2; wæge, 1. 17; as. weig, 2. 1, 3; 44. 4, 6; wæg, 49. 5, 11; 13. 11; weg 30.18; wege, 14.3; ap. wegas, 44.5; on wæg, away: 62.34; ealne weig, always: 3. 16; 62. 16; 64. 1; æalne wæg, 56. 7.
wel, adv., well: 10. 19, etc.
wela, wm., riches: ns. wela, 38. 2; gs. welan, 24. 6; 35. 11; ds. 37. 7; 23. 19 (MS. welam); as. 24. 8 (MS. willan).
welig, adj., rich: nsm. wk. wilega, 2. 13; as noun, ns. welega, 67. 25; 68. 2; ds. welegan, 68. 20.
†welwilnesn, f., benevolence, kindness: ns. 22.16; ds. welwylnesse, 48. 14.
wemness, f., defilement: gs. wemnesse, 36. 14.
wēnan, wv., suppose, believe, ween: 1. sg. wēne, 3. 10; 18. 2; 23. 10 ; 24. 12; 31. 20; 41. 3; 44. 4; 49. 15; 63. 16; 63. 23, 24, 19; 2. sg. wēnst, 24. 18; 48. 6; 67. 21, 23; wǣnst, 63.1; wēnð, 20.8; pret. wēnde, 20.6; 24.17; 48. 10, 11; opt. 2. sg. wene, 24. 10; 50. 20; 51. 6; 3. sg. wene, 24. 13; 47.19; inf. 62,23; 65.21; ger. wēnanne, 65. 25.
wendan, wv., turn: 3. pl. wendað, 16. 15; inf. wændan, 18. 2.
weorc, n., work, labor: ns. 41. 19; ds. weorce, 4. 13; worce, 34. 9; gp. weorca, 1. 3.
weorðan, sv. 3, become, happen; go: 3. sg. wyrð, 45. 19; 1. pl. weorðað, 67. 2; weorðan (MS. weorðam), 7. 11; 3. pl. weorðað, 62.31; opt. weorðe, 63. 1; 66.7; pret. 1. sg. 21.2; 3. sg. wurde, 50. 20; 51. 1; 3. pl. wurden, 60. 12; weorðen (MS. weorðe), 62. 28; inf. 45. 18; 5. 6 (MS. weorðam).
weorðe, adj., worthy: ns. weorðe, 47. 18; wurðe, 5. 1; wyrðe, 47. 19; asm. wyrðne, 13. 14; 14. 8; comp. ns. werðer, 4. 18.
weorðfulice, adv., honorably: comp. weorðfulicor, 10. 10.
weoruld, f., world: gs. weorlde, 46. 8, 13, 21; weurlde, 47. 10; wurlde, 29. 19; worlde, 23. 4; worulde, 29.10; weirulde, 47,2; ds. weorulde, 1.18; 13.23; 64. 16,18,31; 65. 14; 66. 34; 67. 2, 5; 67.19; 68. 13; 69.1; 68.25; 69. 2, 8, 9, 12, 13; 70.1; weorlde, 58. 23; 60. 13; 67.25; worulde, 8. 20; 14. 4; 25. 10; wurlde, 23. 7; 53. 5; 58. 12; worlde, 31. 19; 31.27; weurulde, 63.25; wurlda,