Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/182

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†winsumness, f., beauty, winsomeness: ns. wynsumnes, 64.20; ds. winsumnesse, 62. 32.
winter, n., winter; in pl., years, denoting duration of time: ns. winter, 9.20; gp. wintra, 35.13; ap. wintras, 1. 14.
wīs, adj., wise, learned; ns. wīs, 21.1; 21.2; 50.11; wȳs, 7.2; nsm. wīs, 20.25; 50. 18(2), 20; np. wȳse, 6.8(2); ipm. wīsum, 5.9; comp. nsm. wīsra, 61.5; apm. wīsram, 61. 23; sup. vsm. wk. wīsesta, 13. 16; npm. wīssestan, 67. 5.
†wīscan, wv., wish: inf. 70. 2.
wīsdōm, m., wisdom, knowledge: ns. 41. 17, 13; 44. 25; 45. 3; 50.11; 51.1,6; 52.16; ns. wȳsdōm, 6.7; 22.14; 41.8; 45.14; 58. 10; gs. wīsdōmes, 5. 22; 14. 7; 47.15; 65.28; 66.5; 67.9; wȳsdōmes, 42. 2; ds. wīsdōme, 43. 2,7; 44.1,15; 46.4,14; 66.2; wȳsdōme, 41. 19; 50. 18; as. wīsdōm, 11, 16; 39. 16; 42. 6, 19, 24; 43.4,15; 47.12,17; 58.7, 13,15; 64.31; 65.25; wȳsdōm, 12.20; 12.21; wīsdōme, 48. 17.
wīse, wf., manner, way, wise: ds. wīsan, 2.11; 9.23; 18.1; 43.4; as. 9.24; 32.11; 49.5 (masc?); wyssan, 10. 1; gp. wīsan, 37. 2.
witan, swv., know, understand: wōt, 15.12; 17,14; 19.9, 11; 20. 20; 21. 1, 10; 23. 8; 30. 18; 35.10; 39. 17; 41. 5; 43. 11; 53. 9; 64. 7; 26. 15 (MS. woð); wāt, 13.4; 46.12; 52.9; 2. sg. wōst, 17.17; 20.12,16,18; 42.2; 56. 9(2); 57. 11(2); 58.18; wāst, 13.21; 25.2; 46.17; 57.10,12; 58.17,18,19; 59.2; 59.3,4,7, 9; 62. 26; 3. sg. wot, 17. 13; 24.2; 29.19; 30.1; 47.17; 48. 1,12; 48.13; wāt, 51.13; 29.5 (MS. wað); 1. pl. witon, 18.9; 30. 14; 66. 30; 67. 11; 3. pl. 67. 22; 68. 12, 14; 69. 1; wytan, 5. 17; pret. wiste, 15. 18; 18.9; 19.1; 62.18; wisse, 52.6; 57. 1; wysse, 52. 7; 2. sg. wistest (MS. wistes), 62. 25; 3. sg. wiste, 63. 21; 63. 23; 3. pl. wiston, 20. 1,2; wisson, 60. 9; opt. 1. sg. wite, 13. 21; 18. 3; 21.4 (2); 69. 23; 2. sg. 15. 2; 21. 6, 8; 59. 9; 3. sg. 20. 8; 57.3; 63. 13, 24; opt. pret. 2. sg. wisse, 56. 2; 59. 6; 3. sg. wiste, 20. 11; imp. 27. 2; inf. 14. 14, 20, 21; 15. 8; 18. 3; 19. 3. 4; 21. 6; 24. 14; 27. 3, 8; 32.6,7,8,11, 12, 14; 36. 13; 37. 13; 38. 8; 49. 19; 50. 4, 8, 20; 51. 5, 12; 52.4; 56.13; 63.9(2); 63.22; 64. 12, 22; 64. 24; 64.31; 66. 8(2); 40. 12 (w. acc. subject, mē); ger. witanne, 2. 22; 14. 23; 32.20; 39.16; witanne, 46. 18; 50.3; 51.12; 56.5; 57.2; 59. 33,35; 63.11,18,20,26; 67.4, 11,12; wittanne, 46. 7; 63.15; ger. witande, 14. 17; negative: nāt, 3.8, etc.; 32.8 (MS. nað); 2. sg. nāst, 15. 7; 17.00; 1. pl. nyton, 18.10; 3. pl. nyton, 5,17; niton, 68.14; opt. 2. sg. nyte, 15. 17, etc.; 3. sg. nyte, 57.4; pret. nyste, 34. 11; 58.2.
wīte, n., punishment, torment: ns. 65. 12; ds. wīte, 67. 16; as. wite, 65.19,21; 65.23; 68.31; 69.15, 13; np. 65. 18; ap. wītu, 12. 4; 62. 1; 65. 15; 67. 26; wīta, 60. 12.
†wītega, wm., prophet: dp. wītgum, 61. 26; ap. wītgan, 61. 31.