Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/184

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ȳdel, adj., idle: ns. 30.16.
yfel, n., evil, wickedness: ns. yfel, 5. 10; 41. 9; gs. yfeles, 8.20; 68. 19; 69. 9; ds. yfele, 5.19; 10.19; as. yfel 3.7; 5. 8; 7. 14; 10.18,19; 16.15,17; 68.1; ip. yfullum, 10. 22.
yfel, adj., evil, wicked: nsm. wk., yfela, 67. 25; asm. yfelne, 44. 6; np. yfelan, 65.16; 67. 15; 68.12, 22,31; dpm. yflum, 68. 18.
ylca, pron. adj., same: ns. ylca, 41.10; ylce, 19. 12; ds. ylcan, 9. 23; 45. 23; 46. 17; 62. 32; 69.16; 20.16 (MS. ylcam); 34.9; ilcan, 1. 10; 34. 8; as. ylcan, 9.24; ylce, 49. 19; 52.9; np. ylcan, 10. 1; dp. 41. 10; ilcum, 12.5; ap. ylcan, 65.13; 67.26.
ylce, adv., likewise, the same: 45. 13; ylce swā, just as: 67. 16.
ymbe, prep. w. acc., about, concerning: 2.21; 3.2,5; 21.6,7, 8; 58.26; 61.33; 62.3; 62. 4(2); ymb, 46. 3; 59. 11, 28; imbe, 61. 34; embe, 29. 11.
ymbe, adv., about, concerning: 23.11; 45. 14; 62. 14; ymb. 65. 8; 69. 21; embe, adv. 29. 2; 61. 12; æmbe, 18. 18; 20. 5.
ymbehwirft, m., revolution: as. 20. 15.
†yrfe, n., heritage: as. 2. 12.
yrmð, f., distress, misery: gp. yrmða, 48. 23.
ȳd, f., wave: dp. ȳðum (MS. ydum), 22.8; gp. ȳða, 29.17.

Printed by Ehrhardt Karras, Halle a. S.